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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. Iā€™m sure a lot of 13 year old kids will find this funny but Iā€™m just confused how any adult can make this kinda dumb shit or how it ever got approval. Iā€™d feel embarrassed as a developer to have name attached to something like this
  2. Those screens are ridiculous. If this is what weā€™re getting with an early gen game, then mid-late gen is going to be incredible
  3. Problem is, I honestly donā€™t think any of them really care to do anything about it. Wal mart, target, Amazon etc. A sale is still a sale to them regardless who buys it. Thereā€™s really no hard proof theyā€™re coming from bots so they donā€™t lose trust from consumers if they even care about that, at least.
  4. FFS this guy really wants to take as many people down with him. The amount of damage he can do in the next 2 months is scary. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/ushome/index.html President Trump asked senior advisers about taking action against Iran's main nuclear site at a meeting last Thursday, the New York Times reported Monday Four current and former US officials said Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo were among those present at the meeting The meeting took place a day after international inspectors informed UN members that Ira
  5. Decent price High Performance Portability Pick 2. Thatā€™s always been the rule for pc gaming
  6. Good luck. Scalpers are going to continue to be all over this
  7. I think they delivered it to one of my neighbors by accident and they brought it over this morning. Time to experience Real Gaming with demons souls
  8. Jesus fuck I just had the worst few days ever. My ps5 was showing delivered on Saturday and it was nowhere to be found. I thought I was fucked until this morning when Someone dropped it off my house. if they only knew what was inside
  9. Surprise! Itā€™s fucking nothing. Why is this kind of bait switch so common amongst conservatives? I remember during obamas presidency right-wing commentators like rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones every several months promised this earth shattering, damning news about Obama is coming out soon, just wait till next Monday!
  10. Sad part is their base is going to continue to eat there shit up. These people realllllly want a fascist dictator as the president
  11. LMFAO these motherfuckers are losing their mind. The world is experiencing first hand how much of a corrupt shit stain of a party the GOP are. All these fucks need to be thrown in jail once Biden is inaugurated
  12. The republican party have created a damn North Korean style monster. I look forward to the division in the oncoming years.
  13. More shit done by volunteers, interns and janitors. Their Nocturne ā€œhd remasterā€ is reportedly a massive turd sandwhich.
  14. So about that court packing. The projection from this party is fucking embarrassing. Mitch McConnell rushing to confirm more Trump judges after Bidenā€™s election win https://www.rawstory.com/2020/11/mcconnell-rushing-to-confirm-more-trump-judges-after-bidens-election-win/
  15. Get it all out of your system, make this your farwell tour, because come January 20th these fagfests wont be on taxpayers dime anymore, and considering they're broke and begging for money to pay for their campagin debt they're going to have to start charging people. No more air force one, no more police security YOU ABOUT TO LOSE YO JOB
  16. I got to say the meltdowns and tears from racist white evangelicals has personally been the most satisfying
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