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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. Yakuza 7 Just playing Little Hope waiting till tomorrow till that banger drops
  2. Man Trump stans really are something. NeoFAG is currently hoping Trump delays the states with lawsuits up until after Dec 14 where the state eletoral votes must be finalized or else the house decideds the winner and they're hoping Trump can pull off a win this way. FRAUUUUDDDDD STEALIN DAAA ELECTION What a bunch of sad sacks of goat shit. The party of projection indeed.
  3. After January 20th can we ship off this orange turd and his entire family to Canada or Belgium so he can be their supreme glorious leader, since he seems to have a lot of fans there. Well even pay overnight shipping for free.
  4. Theyre showing Trumps motorcade returning to the white house and the streets are covered with people celebrating and blocking his motorcade. FUCKING GLORIOUS. Good bye fuck face
  5. Livestream it on PPV and id watch it with beer, pizza and nachos
  6. That’s what a real president sounds like.
  7. What blows my mind is that there’s almost 70mil dumb fucks who can look at the last 4 years and be all “yeah I’m down for 4 more years of that”. Stupidest mother fuckers ever.
  8. Nov 6th should become a national holiday. I havent seen this much celebrating nationwide for a long time. Considering how awful this year was this is exactly what we needed
  9. Fox currently going in on Trumps fraud votes and lies about no poll watchers bullshit
  10. Biden now leading in PA GAME FUCKING OVER
  11. Sad but true. I said wtf at the cubans in Florida
  12. Black folk saved this election. So many states i thought were done, then once they started counting Detroit, Philly, ATL, milwaukee it was a never ending avalanche
  13. CNN is saying there’s still 50k votes left in philly alone and Biden is trailing by only 18k, and so far 82% of the ballots have been Biden? This shit is a wrap. They’re predicting a 50-100k victory once all of Pennsylvania votes are in. Victory speech incoming today for sure. Biden needs to fumigate the entire White House and have people come in with hazmat suits spraying disinfectant on everything before he steps into that COVID infested shithole that obese fagot and his admin turned it into.
  14. Yeah i dont know what hes getting at. They like her as someone they would want to fuck, but to elect her as president they'd laugh their ass off at the mere thought.
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