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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. When Biden wins i actually hope Trump drags his feet and wastes his time arguing the results up until his last day. If he accepts the results, and accepts his time is up the amount of damage he could do in the next 2 months could be worse than the last 4 years
  2. The democrats are the ones who are corrupting this election though
  3. No, PC. Though to be fair I didn’t get very far. It just was nothing like what I expected
  4. I didn’t like it too much. Too much trial and error for my tastes. Started playing Little Hope
  5. They’re back to releasing them tomorrow.
  6. After Florida I went to bed last night thinking this is going to be Hilary 2.0. Thank fuck that wasn’t the case
  7. God damn what a roller coaster this has been. We almost there brehs. Just need to see CNN/ABC/Fox News call it for the official dagger And the NEWWWWWWWWW
  8. The team of Biden/Harris looked so damn boss and PRESEDENTIAL. This might even surpass the Obama/Biden bro team.
  9. Wish i could have seen that fuckers face when Michigan shifted to Biden. If he wasnt shitting bricks yet, he def is now
  10. Even NeoFAG are throwing in the towel after this
  11. HOLY SHIY MI just went BLUE. If mi, wi, and nevada hold, that’s officially WRAP.
  12. Whatever happens I’m at least proud of my state of CA for the massive skull fucking in terms of votes they gave this obese fagot
  13. It wouldn’t be a presidential election if Florida didn’t let down the American people Jesus fuck that state lmao
  14. Scapegoat, jealousy. He’s continuously blamed the Covid response and his complete incompetence on everyone but himself; WHO, China, Fauci.
  15. Shit is wild. He said hes going to claim victory if hes up in the votes early in the night, or that by midnight the winner should be decided (before all votes are even counted, and if hes winning of course) how does anyone see him anything more than a crybaby sack of shit Biden is going to move on him like a BITCH
  16. What relevance does all this even have? This is all just some sort of hit piece for people to Personally attack joe biden Because they don’t like him and nothing of any worthwhile relevance to Joe Biden as a presidential candidate which is fucking awful, Petty, but not at all surprising considering it’s from what right wing media. But ultimately, pointless to the election. Even Ted Cruz said so, of all fucking people.
  17. Yeah but I meant the look of the new environments, enemies, bosses. That’s part of the appeal In seeing the places and characters you know completely remade
  18. I ain’t watching no more of this shit. They’re going to spoil everything.
  19. This is all so really fucking stupid. But Republicunt senators can tell their base the sky is yellow and they’d believe them.
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