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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. I feel like this shit has changed so many people I know and made us all more paranoid. Just last month one day i started noticing itchiness on my skin and it was a rash, didn’t think much till it it was all over my arms and legs almost over night. I looked it up and apparently it’s a symptom in 17% of cases. I freaked the fuck out thinking I caught it but it turned out all it was I was taking way too many chewable multivitamin gummies a day. Even the simplest stuff that wouldn’t alarm you Now immediately has people thinking the worst.
  2. Expect a lot more soon. This is basically rats leaving a sinking ship
  3. Let’s be honest, no way In hell whoever you were with had a vagina
  4. idk if its because its nic cage but it looks like one of those parody trailers
  5. Yeah it's tony jaa. I rember seeing his early martial arts movies and blown away at his skills thinking he might be a huge star in the future, but hollywood has just used him in the worst kinda shit imaginable like this
  6. We need a positive version of the term 'Polish Trash' since Cyberpunk 2077 doesen't fit the bill in any form. Adrian Weener finally redeemed
  7. Because of this thread I started up The Boys today and saw the first 3 episodes. Not bad so far
  8. What parts particularly? It honestly looks about what I expected.
  9. The final boss in area 2 of 13 Sentinels The music and action is 100% Macross (anime franchise)
  10. Meh. Should have said playable Vergil which actually is a significant addition instead of more enemies. DMC4: SE increased enemie counts and it was horrible because it became Dynast warriors
  11. So I’m about 50 percent or more on all of the characters In 13 Sentinels and I’m about 50 percent on the destruction portion. This game is MUCH longer than I expected for the type of game it is. But overall, Incredibly awesome. It’s actually a pretty solid strategy rpg that doesent feel tacked on. The way the story flows feels like a TV series BUT, the more I play the more I’m worried that my suspicions on where the game is going and how it ends is exactly what I expected in the first 5 hours @Twinblade don’t tell me if I’m wrong or right, but here’s what I’m th
  12. God, fuck pence. He dodges the question, lies his ass off and doesn't even follow the debate rules
  13. Tomato meets sledgehammer incoming.
  14. @Twinblade How many areas are their total for Destruction in 13 Sentinels? I’m on area 2 currently. The battles are seriously awesome.
  15. Cable news is to him what Facebook/IG is to most narcissists. They feed off any kind of admiration. It’s fucking embarrassing
  16. So far you're the only one i've seen say this anywhere. I find it hard to believe the ending can be that bad considering how thoroughly enjoyable the game has been both in terms of gameplay and narrative. But well see, i should be done with it this week.
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