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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. No point in watching any more of these status updates. He just admitted he bullshitted yesterday when he said multiple times the president wasn't using oxygen, which was later revealed that he infact was. Why believe any bullshit update further?
  2. What TRASH. What kind of update was that? Fuck this smug, question dodging doctor.
  3. keep it clean yada yada Yesterdays rent-a-doctor is about to give an update on his condition in 11:30am EST, so in abnout 15 mins
  4. They also zoomed in on the image and you can see hes just signing his name on a blank piece of paper These incompetent fucks must think we still live in an age where people get their news purely from TV and newspaper rather than by the minute, and immediately analyzed by millions of people. This entire charade with his sickness with his North Korean medical presser yesterday and these photos has been complete clown shoes
  5. Divinty 2 was ACE. I have no doubt this will be amazing with Larian studios making it
  6. And it's only going to get worse as Biden continues to campaign and teabag him while Drumpf is laid up in some hospital bed high on drugs with low energy. Reagan got shot more times than 50 cent and took it like a champ. This dude is here half dead over the kung flu he openly mocked. Perfect example of how delicate the entire republishit fanbase of snowflakes have become
  7. White House now officially confirmed he was receiving oxygen yesterday.
  8. it was north korean propaganda level trash with the trademark trump temper tantrum like walk off. Fuck this administration
  9. A trump tweet would be more "Going AMAZING!, i'm dominating this virus, doctors say i have the best immune system in the world. They cant believe how little this virus has affected me but is instead giving me incredible strength to be your president!"
  10. they should just lose one intentionally like they've done all throughout the playoffs to win at "home" (their fans in the stands) lmfao
  11. This october surprise is the gift that keeps on giving. Bitch Mcconnel and Barr next
  12. Joe biden is temporarily halting all his political ads attacking trump. What a fucking idiot. This is why democrats lose. Enough of this "When they go low, we go high" shit. If this was biden trump would be trolling him on twitter right now and in every klan rally up until the election
  13. got to say its been entertaining watching trump fagots lose their mind over this on other sites. This shit stain deserves as much sympathy and prayers as he gave the families of 200,000 + dead.
  14. Father I'm excited about the potential of the series Since ridley scott said season 1 was focusing on
  15. There probably would have been a tweet wishing him well, but it most certainly would not have been written by him. Just like all his other fake tweets showcasing sympathy for any politician that has died like John Mccain. It's telling when the POTUS needs a ghost writer for showcasing any kinds of emotion for another human being.
  16. Raised by wolves was a trip. That ending was seriously out of Alien. Completely unsettling
  17. Hopefully Bitch McConnell got it too, and dies in a fiery car crash on the way to the hospital
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