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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. Who cares. This is nothing compared to the crime of wearing a sleeveless dress
  2. Have you tried looking at Rememberance and listing the events youve played in chronological order? I find that it's helping a bit but the dates, years are all over the place. I think this is a game that wont make sense until the end, and looking at the events again in chronological order in rememberance. At least i hope so
  3. I was thinking Lakers in 5, but now I'm thinking Lakers in 4. FloRidaWeAlreadyWon.mp3
  4. Lmao I hadn’t had time in the past week till today and played several hours this morning. Just when I think the story was getting more understandable it gets even more confusing currently saw the scene where it But that’s great , it’s keeping me compelled to see where exactly it’s going. I’m really liking it . I’m usually kind of iffy on these type of games but I feel there’s just enough gameplay and some form of interactivity that’s keeping me hooked where as others feel like a chore to play for longer periods of time as they’re mostly just text box afte
  5. Comments from Trump fans on Fox News YouTube channel are saying Chris Wallace came in with an obvious agenda, he needs to be fired, he played it easy with Biden while asking trump harder hitting questions like his tax returns and how Fox is turning into cnn. Fuck these people are straight cancer
  6. God Trump was a fucking child. Jesus. He’ll probably do one more, throw even more of a tantrum and bail on the 3rd
  7. They should have had a weigh-in yesterday prior to todays fight
  8. A lot of game companies are way overvalued tbh so it might not even have been amazon or google as competetive bidders. CDPR is valued at 8bil for example, which is fucking absurd.
  9. I'm confused here. Why exactly are people denying this here? The dumbass himself admitted he doesn't pay taxes in his debate with hilary with his whole "That makes me smart" response when Hilary accused him of not paying taxes. Now it's fake news? No wonder Trump is such a hit with uneducated whites.
  10. Yeah because they were on cartridges which costs more to manufacture. PS1 games by comparison were 39.99
  11. rip off. All that extra money will be going straight to the top to give people like bobby kotick an even more obscene salary than he already has
  12. It’ll be a soft M rating which means there’ll just be depictions of killings with actual blood shown and that’s about it. Square already made an M rated FF game with Type 0 and it was incredibly tame it might as well have been a T
  13. ink isnt even dry on the contract yet, and the deal isnt even done till next year ffs. Hes not going to go on record and say "EVERY SINGLE GAME XCLUSIVE". Its in ms best interest to evaluate what they can do with the cards they now hold. Releasing Elder Scrolls VI or Fallout exclusive, day 1 game pass on Series X is an option, as is exclusive for 1 year, then afterwards toss PS5 a lazy port for $70 to milk PS5 owners is also an option. They have a lot of possibilities. What isn't up for debate is all games from those 8 studios in the acquisition will be developed prima
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