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Posts posted by Delita

  1. Regardless of the case over rittenhouse, its a sham trial because the Judge has proven himself to be a full on kool-aid drinking trumper. Fucking guy is is not allowing footage of the murders to be used in the case because "pinch to zoom" is "manipulating footage". In court the judges phone rang and it was trumps "god bless the USA" theme song as his ring tone. You Literally can't make this shit up :hest:





  2. 10 hours ago, Saucer said:

    I finally finished Metroid Dread and it really grew on me. My three main criticism still stand: The areas look too similar to one another, the Emmis sections are mindless trial-and-error where the easiest tactic is just to plough through them, and the music is lackluster.  


    But what I think is so cool is that Samus moves like a 2D Dante. Especially like the Trickster style in DMC3 which gives you the air-dashing moveset. She can triple air/ground dash and infinit-jump, and it becomes really easy to quickly get a lot of distance on a boss and attack them from mid-range. The other thing is the boss fights are a lot of fun. They're designed around Samus' quick arial moveset. People are saying they're hard but judging by the GameFAQs' Dread board, it's mostly younger gamers saying that. If you're used to Mega Man, Castlevania, or Contra bosses, Dread's bosses aren't hard at all. I beat a lot of them on my second try, and a few on my first try. The bosses telegraph all their moves really nicely.


    I'm keeping it. 8.3. The next one could be even better if they just improve the art direction and music.

    I have honestly no idea where the "hard" critique comes from. This is not even coming from a prespective of being some pretentious hardcore gamer, as I'm old and slow now and don't have the patience as I did before. To me the difficulty felt "just right", you hit the nail on the head with your comparisons.


    Excellent game, but its not on the level of Super Metroid or the very first Prime. This one didn't leave me with the "wow" factor those did to be considered a classic.

  3. Far Cry 6s ending has to be one of the worst I’ve seen in a long time. :|



    The whole game is building up to some sort of confrontation with the main villain and his son who’s conflicted of following his father or helping you stop him and once you storm his mansion and corner him he shoots and kills his son and then kills himself in like a 2 min cutscene with you just watching. The end :|

    It honestly felt like one of those games where you made the wrong choices throughout the game and got the bad ending.


    This series needs some sort of reinvention because the formula has become so damn stale now. Overall it was just one big waste of time.

  4. Guardians of the Galaxy has been one the biggest surprise hits i've played in a long time. I've never seen the movies and don't really know much but I had a blast. Started off kinda slow but man it quickly gets awesome. So refreshing to play a straightforward single player game without all the bloated fat or filled to the brim with microtransactions or other GaaS crud.

  5. I’ve had Metroid dread since launch but just recently sunk time into it. I think I’m nearing the end. Game is absolutely fantastic. I’m on vacation right now and it’s surprisingly kept me hooked. The only thing I’m not liking too much are those sections with the robots that can only be killed one way, too much trial and error. Other than that it’s a banger

  6. Ended up copping Death Stranding Directors Cut for PS5. I wasn't planning on doing anything but just fuck around with the new stuff and replay some boss battles. It helps that it was only 10 bucks for the upgrade. After playing a bit i think I'm going to replay it again from the beginning :aitch:


    I already loved the original but damn, after turning it on after almost 2 years, this game is the equivalent of a fine wine.


    Still making my way through Far Cry 6. :ben:  Good game. Though its pretty funny how cliche the game is in terms of characters, plot. Like the developer just said Since it's Cuba lets throw in a revolution plot, baseball, tobacco plantations, and a bunch of reggaeton. not gonna lie, that works for me :smoke:


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  7. 1 hour ago, TLHBO said:

    Obsidian has long been one of the most overrated devs out there so xflop is a perfect fit for them. Kotor2 and new vegas were overrated as fuck, just buggy, half broken, unfinished sequels with none of the excitement of the games they were sequels to.


    Outer worlds didn’t somehow less buggy hut more boring than any of their previous games.

    WTF do you even like? lmao :will:


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