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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. Twitter is taking a complete dump on the Clippers right now
  2. I’m kind of hoping Clippers actually win now. Lakers would sweep this Clippers team
  3. Clippers implosion about to begin
  4. Visual novels should never be 60. This is why games are raisaing their prices next gen. Something like this which is made by like 20 people (if that) and has very little gameplay is being priced the same as a game made by 300. It devalues modern AAA games.
  5. It’s ridiculous because neither team looked like they wanted to be there. Everyone looked bored and wanted to get the game over with, like they all had to be somewhere else.
  6. Rockets are complete garbage. Lakers aren’t even trying and it’s a complete blowout
  7. Watching Harden play his usual fuckball is so painful to watch. Fuck him
  8. This series should stay dead. It was already a half baked GTA, and it’s novelty of being GTA style game in London is made irrelevant with Watch Dogs Legion coming out which is actually a great series. Its like making another True Crime: streets of LA after GTA5
  9. Trump conference/ damage control starting soon. incoming “no one loves the military more than I do”
  10. He has a history of shitting on military so it’s really not surprising. Imagine being in the military and supporting this draft dodging clown. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-didnt-want-wounded-veterans-military-parade-report-2020-9
  11. free2game killed this genre for me long before I knew anything about it.
  12. This board gets just as much traffic if not more than the main board. If people don’t like this board, fine, then don’t come here. I and a lot of people don’t care about console and gpu specs, but there’s people who do, so I guess it has its place. I won’t say we should ban that kind of discussion though
  13. How many times can you re release one game? Even Capcom must be taking notes
  14. Dang barely? Great series, even if you’ve never seen the original movies.
  15. Klansman Kyle has a history of being a woman beater. Everything about this fat slob encompasses the trump base so perfectly It’s ridiculous
  16. The game seems to tick all the boxes of a great pc style wrpg including all the bad that usually come with it, including bugs and shitty load times.
  17. I’m playing on Xbox one X to coop with my bro and I’m using a controller. Idk how it’s on pc but pushing the analog stick to move your character around has like a full 1-2 second delay. The game itself seems pretty great but this is straight up awful
  18. Finally started playing and this lag seriously has to be one of the worst I’ve ever seen. Wtf were they thinking?
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