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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. I’ve remained cautiously optimistic about the film. When I saw you replied I expected the reply to be” the movie was underwhelming, Chris Nolan is a talentless fagot” but you actually liked it
  2. Agreed. Their Trails in the sky series has had a similar trajectory. I played the demo of the new one, played 1 battle and I deleted it. It’s not even close to anything like what the series was
  3. What’s traditional Ys? There’s like 4 different kinds. Traditional Ys makes me think of the ones without an attack button and you just run into shit to attack.
  4. Complete and utter shit. Even Fox News is calling it flat and boring. Did anybody subject themselves to this? I honestly think they need to start doing random drug testing for anyone who works in the White House from an independent administration. Trump was sweating profusely and slurring like a mother fucker. I couldn’t understand a lot of what he was even saying. He looked tired with low energy, was covered in sweat and was going off on random tangents that went on and on when he wasn’t reading the teleprompter for what’s been confirmed as the longest nomination acceptance speech in presid
  5. Gotta love these armchair experts analyzing this situation in a smug fashion while not realizing how ridiculous they sounded in the other thread. They might as well pull out the Twinkie defense while they’re at it https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twinkie_defense
  6. Saucer https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8668207/Kyle-Rittenhouse-bragged-vigilante-inteview-shooting-Kenosha.html Footage has emerged showing Kyle Rittenhouse attending a Trump rally in Des Moines, Iowa in January The 17-year-old was arrested on Wednesday in his hometown of Antioch, Illinois and charged with first degree intentional homicide following the shooting death of two protesters A video interview taken before the shootings, showed Rittenhouse bragging about his role as a vigilante He told the reporter he was patrolling the
  7. He instigated and killed the first protestor which resulted in them trying to disarm him from killing any more. You can’t claim self defense in an ongoing shooting that you yourself created, unless any mass shooter can only be held accountable for the people who didn’t see it coming, and the people trying to stop him were all justified killings. It’s ridiculous
  8. Paying 70 dollars for a new Call of duty, in this economy Very few games I played were even worth 60 this gen. Gaming is heading for another crash
  9. Before the shooting the cops were supporting him and even passing out waters to him and the other redneck militia and he’s only 17 to boot so he shouldn’t possess a firearm at all. These motherfuckers https://www.tmz.com/2020/08/26/vigilante-rifle-owner-cops-kenosha-wisconsin-militia-water-shooting/
  10. He’s in police custody now, and he went to Illinois where apparently is only 36 mins away though. Poor kid. If Jacob Blake wasn’t such a maniacal tyrant and got himself shot 7 times by police, this young bright 17 year old kid wouldn’t have gone crazy and went on a shooting spree killing 2 people and injuring 3. Jacob Blake should be behind bars, not this innocent victim
  11. The last 2 people he shot were blocks away from the person he had already shot and killed which witnesses say he was yelling out that he had already taken one down. Guy is a fucking psycho and used this as an excuse to use his rifle that he jacks off to. And Defending private property doesent give someone the right to outright start killing and murdering people with an AR so now some guy who got shot 7 times by the police is responsible for 2 guys being killed instead of the insane shooter himself?
  12. Nice to leave out the fact it was some MAGA cunt who showed up with his rifle pretending to be Rambo and shot and killed protestors. Gotta love how mass-shooter training for these incel trash is now being used as bullet points without context to somehow blame protestors for killings.
  13. If I only followed what I saw on tv I’d think Russia is some dump where everyone is addicted to Krokodil, drinks vodka and have pictures of Putin in their house.
  14. Amazing Survival: Meet the Navy SEAL who was shot 27 times and lived to tell the story https://special-ops.org/amazing-survival-meet-the-navy-seal-who-was-shot-27-times-and-lived-to-tell-the-story/
  15. Instead the Police should have sat on his chest for 16 mins, laughed as they squeezed the air from his lungs knowing full well they were killing him, and threw up Nazi salutes amirite? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/aug/20/belgian-police-officer-made-nazi-salute-in-cell-of-man-who-died
  16. How does he “sum it up pretty well” if you haven’t even seen it?
  17. Day 1 on game pass confirmed EXCLUSIVELY ON THE HOME OF THE YAKUZA FRANCHISE
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