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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. Since when did GS review movies? they just gave it a 9 https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/tenet-review-a-time-bending-marvel/1900-6417539/
  2. The air quality has also become incredibly smoggy and hard to breathe you’d think we’re in China. It’s so bad. Every day feels like it’s cloudy but it’s just all the smoke in the air.
  3. It has an 85 percent now so I might have spoke too soon which is good because movies have sucked this year so far
  4. Now there can be no shame for pirating it it’s probably still worth watching but Memento-Inception Nolan is long gone now. Maybe he can do a comeback like M night did after several shitty movies
  5. “Tenet review: Christopher Nolan's thriller is a palindromic dud” 2/5 https://www.theguardian.com/film/2020/aug/21/tenet-review-christopher-nolans-thriller-is-a-palindromic-dud “the plotting is muddled rather than complex, with less to say about the flow of time than “Interstellar” or “Memento.” In the end, “Tenet” isn’t one of Nolan’s most satisfying films. But after I’ve seen it four or five more times, maybe I’ll change my mind.” https://www.thewrap.com/tenet-film-review-christopher-nolan-john-david-washington-robert-pattinson-bond/ Re
  6. Fuck. I’m hoping it isn’t. I don’t want to buy a PS5 this year
  7. A Lot of People Think the New Netflix Movie 'Cuties' Crosses a Line by Sexualizing 11-Year-Olds https://www.distractify.com/p/netflix-cuties
  8. I was watching this Klan rally yesterday and it was just nonstop incoherent rambling about how Biden is going to take away guns, Biden is going to flood the country with refugees, Biden is going to bend over for China. And once he feels insecure that he’s boring his audience he throws in a “The great people of [insert state/city]!” To get an ego boost of applause. Like I guess I shouldn’t be surprised anymore but the guy was just throwing everything at the wall, he could have said Biden is going to eat babies while he was at it. I’ve never seen politics be this dumbed down that it
  9. Wreck it Ralph was pretty good but Sarah Silverman as a main character is more than I can take. Watch Big Hero 6 next
  10. IGN gave it a 9.0 as well. It’s up on game pass
  11. Why don’t you try picking up a better attitude fgt jk I was actually looking into this yesterday. Might cop but I can’t think of one Souls clone I’ve played that hasn’t been terrible besides Nioh.
  12. It was pretty damn good. It started off a bit slow but it picked up halfway through. Letícia Im curious what more they do with the Cthulhu/lovecraft inspirations
  13. It’s okay though because switch and animal crossing is still selling, no need to release anything else this year.
  14. So Wii/ Wiiu/GC ports make up the rest of the year for switch?
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