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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. Was tough to call, I thought it was very close. Those score cards are trash though. So much for the ‘tightening up judging’ after the controversy in 251 like Dana White said.
  2. Looks that way so far. I got it 2-1 miocic, though DC is looking kinda gassed already
  3. He was until the end of round 2
  4. Yeah it was decent, my comment was mostly towards the main event. I saw the last 3. 3rd was pretty good, though honestly the ref should have stopped it sooner, and the 2nd was close and tough fight, people called it a robbery but I honestly thought the right guy one, but just barely. The main event spoke for itself. I know masvidal but Usman was pretty new to me, my bro said he’s basically the Floyd mayweather of ufc. Which is basically my takeaway from his performance. Boring, uneventful, and an eventual win on points Im excited for this one though because I’ve seen the previous 2
  5. Wtf ever happened to him
  6. UFC 252 tonight Hope it’s better than 251
  7. Their reputation is actually spotless. They were the first to break the news on Michael jackson, Kobe and various other people dying way before anyone. They don’t post shit unless it’s confirmed legit.
  8. You’re thinking of some sort of cuck scenario when in all likelyhood this was some hotel suite party with a bunch of rich snobs and escorts. They’re both rich white New Yorkers. Shit like this is like a Saturday night for guys on Wall Street if you include coke. But Liquid has a point, plus it’s known that Trump is a germaphobe . One of many of Trumps accusers who was underage at the time said she met him at one of Epstein’s parties and before she could give him a handjob he smacked her hand away and told her she doesent touch his Toad penis without a glove, which to me sounds exactly
  9. From his new upcoming book. Says he would sow seeds of likely corruption in the new election to discredit it (which he’s already doing by creating smoke around mail in ballots) Also said he personally witnessed an instance of him getting peed on by a stripper in Vegas. https://www.businessinsider.com/michael-cohen-book-foreword-trump-will-never-leave-office-peacefully-2020-8
  10. Anyone gonna check out the premiere of Lovecraft Country? First episode is on HBO this Sunday. Reviews have been pretty great so far. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/lovecraft_country/s01
  11. Marvels Avengers is utter shite. I had low expectations and was still underwhelmed. GaaS needs to die already, preferably by choking on Jimbos micropenis. Just made me more excited for Miles Morales
  12. New York now as well. https://www.tmz.com/2020/08/14/usps-mailboxes-removed-manhattan-president-trump-post-office-fight/
  13. GoT, TLOU2 https://venturebeat.com/2020/08/14/july-2020-npd-paper-mario-and-ghost-of-tsushima-have-strong-debuts/ “Consumer spending across video game hardware, content, and accessories totaled $3.6 billion in July 2020, increasing 32% when compared to a year ago,” NPD analyst Mat Piscatella said. “Double-digit percentage spending gains in accessories, subscription, mobile, and both digital full game as well as post launch spending on console and PC offset a slight decline in hardware.” “Ghost of Tsushima is developer Sucker Punch Productions’ fastest selling re
  14. I’m just wondering if dude has replaced his disgusting mouse pad yet
  15. Because you’re like 85 percent complete in terms of story. I was disappointed at first but then when I realized the game is coming to a close already it made sense I guess
  16. This time it actually is RGE because the remake was an absolute dumpster fire compared to the OG https://www.gamespot.com/articles/final-fantasy-7-is-now-on-xbox-game-pass-for-xbox-/1100-6480937/
  17. Might have to turn on my high end PC I haven’t turned on in over a year for this
  18. Ironically I think Xbox crashing and burning killed this forum. There’s no more war and now even DC and Jonb have thrown in the towel. Bodycount put effort into threads and posts about lemmonz but I always wondered what was the point anymore and who’s he talking to since there are none and the only ones left are fakeboying or have autism like spic and vini.
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