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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. Everything about her is all lies and deception, just like the latest conservative princess. Perfect examples of the Republishit party
  2. Vanilla ware spent all gen on this tripe. What a fucking waste.
  3. just came out today and the reviews have been stellar. “After waking up convinced that she is going to die tomorrow, Amy's carefully mended life begins to unravel. As her delusions of certain death become contagious to those around her, Amy and her friends' lives spiral out of control in a tantalizing descent into madness.” 80% on RT https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/she_dies_tomorrow
  4. Full reveal August 22. About time. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/suicide-squad-game-announced-by-rocksteady-studios/1100-6480690/
  5. lmfao who the hell still owns GameCube games. And it’s an awesome game but it’s very old already. Who the hell cares anymore.
  6. Can’t wait for cuckservative beta incels to turn on her Maybe GD could change her mind
  7. https://mobile.twitter.com/calibrono/status/1291474562752950273?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1291474562752950273|twgr^&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fs9e.github.io%2Fiframe%2F2%2Ftwitter.min.html1291474562752950273
  8. Apparently all of aeon must die devs quit because a lack of pay this week and this trailer was outsourced Wtf
  9. Kinda weird that PS4 has dried up in terms of first party before ps5 is even out. Sony was usually the best at still delivering AAA bangers well after their new console is out. PS2 had God of war 2 and Persoma 3/4 after PS3 came out, PS3 had TLOU. Unless I’m forgetting something there’s nothing left for ps4
  10. Almost as bad as DCs “MS is buying Sega” thread
  11. That Looks pretty interesting I don’t get why the trailer is in Spanish and then in the middle the girl is speaking some other language. And Man, I know it’s not Shudders fault but these studios really need to differentiate their names a bit. I thought this was that crappy La Llorona movie that came out like like last year or 2 years ago.
  12. That TLOU2 drop in Europe https://blog.playstation.com/2020/08/06/playstation-store-julys-top-downloads-5/
  13. I watched all of it and it was as much of a train wreck as I expected. There’s just too much to dissect here. Him touting the Russian hired afghan militants on US troops as fake news, then saying buh buh buh “we did that too back In the 80s!” is disgraceful. I really would like to know why he’s such a submissive little bitch to Putin. Do they really have a video of him being peed on by 2 prostitues?
  14. Yeah in CA it’s always been mid August for grade school also. Never heard of first week of August reopening so yeah they’re probably trying to catch up.
  15. Full interview. Why has no one in his administration corrected him yet on him calling it the 1917 flu? Had this just been once or even a few times over the course of a week it it wouldn’t even be worth discussing but he keeps confusing 1918 with the new movie ive heard him call it the pandemic of 1917 since March, which is now hundreds of times.
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