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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. Biden’s press secretary should be a Brazilian or Colombian chick with a fat ass
  2. Picked up The Last of Us Remastered since I’ve never played it. Going from TLOU2 to 1 is pretty jarring at first. It really puts into perspective how much of an absolutely massive improvement TLOU2 is tech wise even though 1 still holds up really well. Besides the visuals, The animations and level design are what stick out the most. I’d forgotten what PS3/360 gen quality looked like and now seeing it in action again I’m all
  3. He’s one to talk about “taking bait”, like he’s some reserved genius
  4. Could your sticks be having a bit of drift? I’ve noticed some people are having issues with movement where Jin will move by himself in different directions since there’s 0 dead zone in the game so the tiniest bit of a stick not being centered make him move. I never had that happen in got but it sounds exactly like what I experience playing switch games so I stopped playing them.
  5. I just noticed dude ain’t got no underwear on BRUH another clear indication of trumps base.
  6. Brehs why am I just finding out about shudder now. There’s a lot of good looking shit on here if you’re into the genre. Hey GD I saw you listed Daniel isn’t real. I really liked Mandy and it’s from the same peeps. Better or worse than Mandy? I also saw Color out of space but I never finished it
  7. God bless Florida. https://www.tmz.com/2020/08/02/white-supremacist-punches-woman-florida-fight-hate-rant/
  8. True. It was really impressive how they pulled it off.
  9. For some reason in the 80s and Miami Id picture you as manny from Scarface. Whole time Hitting on chicks with a bunch of coke involved
  10. I had to do some stuff and missed most of it, I turned it on and saw the score, then turned it off.
  11. I started noticing that mid way through the PS3/360 gen. SW used to be a lot more fun when bombs were dropping monthly during PS2/GC/Xbox days but nowadays by the time games are revealed it feels like old news. It’s why E3 and trade shows have been slowly dying year after year.
  12. Cool. I’d rather it be Sony Japan and the Siren team than Kojima making it though
  13. Your daily tranny porn threads where more entertaining tbh
  14. Tiktok reportedly is willing to sell to MS immediately as long as Trump doesent ban them. Soon a preinstalled easy access tiktok app in every series x dashboard so xboys can record themselves singing, dancing, mixed with screaming/calling other people the N word on XBL.
  15. The mavs and rockets game last night was lit brehs harden still a bitch though Tonight James, AD and kuz are all considered probable for tonight’s game against the Raps
  16. At this point it’s pretty much a given there’s some corrupt fuckery behind it.
  17. I’ll miss malls though. They’re a ghost town these days. Some of my best memories was ditching class to go to the mall while trying to avoid security. Or going to the food courts in the mall with my moms when I was little and she’d buy me a sbarros pizza or hotdog on a stick
  18. The Xbox one, series x and PS4 pro are all pretty simple inoffensive designs. The PS5 is just and eye sore. Sony needs to stop getting inspiration from buildings for their console designs.
  19. Who the fuck thought this monstrosity would be a good idea? 5 bil dollars, development since 1996, opened in 2019. Was already a massive flop when it opened but covid made it worse. houses indoor full theatre, ski slopes, theme park, swim park, motor sports park,100s of stores and resteraunts, museum, hotel, concert venue, full circus and clown school and a bunch of other shit. Opening a new mall in 2020 and with covid happening is the epitome of retardation.
  20. You guys are seriously weird Got is a game that follows a very familiar template used by most modern open world games. But unlike other open world games it’s the most fun to play to me because the combat system is modeled closely after character action games, and it does it very well. Not perfect, though. But it’s something people have always wanted especially people like me who’s a massive fan of character action games . Majority of people outside of this thread agree on this point. Games like Spider-Man and Batman are really fun but they’re ultimately button mashers. GTA
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