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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. If rumor is to be believed. What a giant turd sandwhich these movies turned out to be. These movies have pretty much already been forgotten. The prequels while not being that great still had its moments and still had memorable aspects; Darth maul, duel of the fates, the final battle with anakin and obi wan, about a million memes that still get used today. The only thing I remember from the new trilogy was Juan solo dying and Luke drinking green semen in the last Jedi https://cosmicbook.news/disney-resetting-star-wars-erasing-last-jedi
  2. Literally my exact thoughts on each from what I’ve seen so far
  3. Which were your fav episodes iyo? I’ve seen 5 in random order an I seen meet in the middle, Downtime, episode 6, you might also like, and among the untrodden
  4. Yeah 6 was kinda ehhhh. Didn’t feel the pay off was all that interesting
  5. It’s better than season 1 but I still feel a bit let down because I have higher hopes for this show considering it’s legacy. I’ve watched 5 eps so far and Among the introden has been my fav
  6. She also said so that her life would have meant something if she died, and Joel tells her if he could go back he would do it again. I thought it illustrated the point to her that her life mattered ...to him. Maybe she didn’t really grasp the meaning in the moment but the way they chose to end it with that scene makes me feel the comment really stuck with her and was meant as her motivation to continue living. Joel probably deserved his death in the grand scheme of things but even if their is justification, I don’t think most people would just be okay with their dad or someone who t
  7. I actually liked Ellie more by the end. No one comes away looking like a good person and you can see Ellie tried to live a normal life but her ptsd wouldn’t let her. It validated Joel’s sudden death in my eyes by how Ellie had everything and then threw it away showing she always cared more for Joel than Dina
  8. RE2 and ffvii play nothing like the original games from 20 years ago that they might as well be new games. Also, PolishTrash 2077 is not a remake or like a game from 20 years ago which is the most hyped gane this year
  9. I said this since the beginning. The first game was so bad it was good. You can’t replicate that with a sequel. It’s just going to be so bad it’s fucking terrible
  10. The fucking frame rate and pop in at 11:05 holy shit that’s awful
  11. Black with pink and light blue highlights its actually a dirty blonde
  12. Damn Netflix is killing it with docuseries recently. I saw a documentary that showed his interrogations a while back and he is one sick fucker with no remorse. The guy would display with his hands to interrogators how he layed them down and grabbed the girls in the crotch with his hands when all they mentioned were some ankle pains but he would tell them it’s all normal procedure. With many girls saying he had an clear full blown hard on as he was doing it
  13. Man I honestly think some of you guys played this game too fast if you think it should be shorter. Any game of this length if I beat in half a week I’d think was too long regardless of the game. I playing it in decent sized chunks every day and I don’t think it’s dragging a bit. I feel engaged throughout. Beating Persona 4 in less than a week would have made me probably hate it. I think overall it’s becoming one of my favorite games of this gen After Seattle Day 3:
  14. I never had any expectations for this one since I never played the first and really wasn’t even going to play it till like 2 weeks ago. Even then I thought I wouldn’t like it but so far it’s a hell of a lot better than I ever expected. I already know the spoilers so I don’t think there’s really anything left to disappoint me unless the gameplay starts becoming repetitive and boring I’m after the theatre and I just
  15. For real and I’m playing on the standard ps4. If you just walk around and focus on the details of the streets and buildings it’s seriously incredible the amount of work put in
  16. 10 mil views in 4 days This same thot managed to get mutants to buy cups of her bath water last year and made bank on it and shit like this. NSFW
  17. Outside of getting the gas can and gas for the generator in the beginning I haven’t seen much if any of that. There’s a lot more action than I was expecting especially once you get to that place from the trailers with the red lights, and up to where I’m at currently
  18. I just reached and it has been phenomenal. Feel like I want to explore every building which I rarely ever do.
  19. I picked up Days Gone for $14 and Murder Soul suspect for $2 on PSN. I played a bit of Days Gone and cutscenes are top notch like any Sony first party game and the gameplay is decent so far although pretty standard. It also seems a bit janky. I’m noticing ridiculous pop in like I’ve never seen before. One scene tells me to push a car out of the way and I try but there’s no input to do so, then all of a sudden a car appears right next to it and that was the one I was suppose to push. Haven’t tried Soul suspect yet but I’ll get back to these 2 after TLOU2.
  20. They should hire those guys from Africa to carry his casket and have the funeral be LIT
  21. I wouldn’t wanna go to a place looking for a fresh cut that only costs me 2 dollars. The fuck?
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