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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. Wtf is this, now they’re catering to the furry fanbase?
  2. Live PD now cancelled too https://www.google.com/amp/s/deadline.com/2020/06/live-pd-canceled-ae-protests-against-police-brutality-george-floyd-1202956175/amp/
  3. I thought it couldn’t be that bad but Holy shit it does
  4. Completely new map. Seems pretty big too (no homo). But knowing this team, I’m sure theyll reuse kamurucho again for the 2nd half of the game
  5. I don’t understand name. Wtf is it called in Japan then? Ryu ga gotoku (like a dragon) has always been the Japanese title of the franchise instead of yakuza. This is some Resident evil 7: Biohazard (us, eu) Biohazard 7: Resident Evil (japan) type shit
  6. Interesting take on combat. It needed a revamp so I’m okay with this. Best on series X
  7. Meh just stick to the more liberal areas and it’s all good. Whenever I visit my brother in Texas it’s like I’m in a different country and that’s overall pretty tame compared to the Deep South
  8. Pills with alcohol were my poison when I was younger Never tried anything else besides weed which I’ve only ever done 10 times max in my life. Never cared for it
  9. I didn’t know Bodycount worked for Riot Games Why are people so fucking stupid and ruin their careers like this on social media? But for be honest that’s what I always imagined the people who play games like Valorant and league of legends also think so he was just catering to his base. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/riot-games-executive-under-investigation-after-sha/1100-6478247/
  10. That’s definitely fake. Square doesent make big budget exclusive rpgs anymore. Even the best sony could get for ffvii was a year exclusivity
  11. It’s been like that since PS3. Shitty ‘rumor’, rather an obvious thing that will happen. Square and Yoshida have been wanting to make it for other platforms For years but Sony won’t support cross play with any other console. Square should tell them to fuck off since most of the userbase is on pc anyway since lolz who plays mmos on consoles
  12. https://www.ign.com/articles/no-mans-sky-comes-to-game-pass-june-11-get-3-months-game-pass-ultimate-on-sale-now
  13. $600 and $70 so about $700 after tax, in today’s economy, to play Knack 3
  14. Let’s Hope so because that’s insane
  15. I’ll stick with series X and Lord Pass
  16. No more police responding to a redneck with no shirt having a domestic dispute with his girlfriend who’s a addict where they both end up getting arrested for being in possession of crack cocaine that the police find out by putting it in a tube and shaking it and it turned blue. Shits been the same thing every episode for 32 years
  17. I was thinking that exact scene when I made this thread
  18. My favorite is still the first one, but I don’t recommend that. Way too dated now. 4 Golden is the best one to play right now, even better than 5
  19. No. Every single one is completely different. There’s 2 persons 2s that are connected but other than that each game is new world, story and characters
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