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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. You’re confusing me with someone else tbh. The only black weebz on this forum that I remember are talamatross, kokujin/lowtcp, and zwarrior. I’d put my money you’re thinking of Tal
  2. I love srpgs, I’ve enjoyed fire emblem, but this has been one of the few high profile switch games I don’t own because from everything I’ve seen the level of mouth breathing animu tripe is turned up to 11. I can maybe look past it if the actual gameplay is excellent and there’s a substantial amount of it, but if it’s one of those “the gameplay is good, but what makes it great are the characters and stooooorrrry” than I’m checking out
  3. Even with all that, you actually have people here or on Cucksetera literally defending. Valve to the death. It’s the online equivalent of almost licking Gabe Newell’s whale sized sweaty asshole. Like is this dude paying your guys bills or some shit? i can’t count how many times whenever something is announced as a EGS exclusive, cucks post how now they’re not buying it etc
  4. How many fucks are needed |——————————-| How many fucks I have |——————————————————————————-| How many fucks I’m giving ||
  5. Lego Ninjago Game, set, match https://www.gamesradar.com/the-lego-ninjago-game-is-free-for-a-limited-time/
  6. Yeah that was him One of the biggest crybaby bitches in sw history. And a thief too
  7. First members of what? This forum was here and active long before you or Hal got here. The original admins were Javier, and Wasim. Hal came along later as help.
  8. What on earth are you on about? The beginning of this place started in early 04 after GS SW banned off topic threads on sw and Javier decided to just make a new forum for gs sw people where rules weren’t changing all the time. Some came, some didn’t. Your gs sub forum had nothing to do with this place - you came a long when most people did around 05. Your join date says nov 04 but anyone here around that time knows you never posted here
  9. Underrated series. So long, my love on ps2 was fantastic. It basically served as the template for Valkyria Chronickes. But I don’t like what they did with this new one in terms of gameplay.
  10. Is skateboarding even still popular? Growing up in Southern California my entire life, skateboarding and surfing was basically life but even I don’t see anyone skateboarding anymore anywhere
  11. What I want to know is how the gamespot editor came up with a 10 for ffvii remake:
  12. Sony always does this every gen. They pay off developers before their console releases to overhype one aspect of their new console that’s still unreleased and they talk about it as if it’s a game changer while using as many hyperbolic buzz words as possible. With ps3 it was da cell processor, with ps2 it was the emotion engine, now it’s this garbage ssd nonsense. And then when the console comes out and after a year or 2 none of that ever amounts to shit. But faggots never learn and they continuously fall in line and believe all this nonsense.
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