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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. Yeah but I think that just unlocks after you beat it once like previous square games. Hard is never available from the start which is stupid. Unless it’s an action game, I don’t replay games on a harder difficulty
  2. Nah Square games of late always been on the easy side which is why I hate they never have a hard mode. XV was a cakewalk and kingdom hearts 3 was a joke. I had to use an accessory that stops me from leveling up less than halfway through the game because there was no challenge at all
  3. Dana white has to be the biggest piece of shit in professional sports today. While every sport in the world is in hiatus, he’s been actively trying to start it up again. Dude tried to restart ufc again in empty arena at an Indian casino in CA and ESPN the govenor put a stop to it. Now he’s gone back to his original idea of hosting on a remote island. This guy has lost his mind https://www.si.com/mma/2020/04/09/ufc-249-canceled-coronavirus-dana-white?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sinow&xid=socialflow_twitter_si
  4. Meanwhile you’re making threads begging for console games Nobody gives a fuck about pc games or is asking for them. Meanwhile a console game coming to pc is newsworthy. Kick rocks faggot
  5. Holy shit half dyke Alex and disco alysium? I’m def upgrading my pc now. Lol at this faggot. Half life Alex came and went like a turd in the wind.
  6. I remember when I used to be into pc gaming in the early 00s. There were games like half life 2, far cry and other big budget pc is exusives: Now Pc gaming is just literally begging for console scraps. Wtf was that last AAAe on pc anyways
  7. i mean if you ever followed this franchise that’s what it’s always scored. At the very least I’ll give it credit for being a series that tries something new. But still. Once irem closed down and they canceled this game and the staff decided to revive this game over steambot chronicles 2 was the wrong choice. The trailer for SC2 still breaks my hearts
  8. I didn’t know I needed this in my life till now
  9. I actually think it has my fav setting, probably the best soundtrack and I like the characters a lot. But squall was pretty much shit with his “whatever” nonsense and the gameplay just honestly....sucked. Draw system, level scaling, and spamming GFs. That’s all shit that I hope never returns.
  10. The plot with Genesis in crisis core was complete dog shit. Literally anything outside of the original game is pure fanfiction level crap. Advent children
  11. Unless it’s like RE7 and in VR I don’t care. Every horror game should now be in VR like 7. The RE formula has become so stale and 7 was a breath of fresh air the series needed.
  12. Guy was a straight G. i wish they showed him more in the show.
  13. You mean the one in Tampa Bay Florida Big Cat Reacue? Fuck that bitch Carol Baskin
  14. Yeah well we’ll see how you guys feel about the new story changes when you find out Barrett is clouds boyfriend and Cloud is now a Zoo keeper that houses red xiii as well as Chocobos and several other wild animals.
  15. I kinda feel like they came out at the right time too considering what’s going on. Will give me a lot of free time to really get into ffvii
  16. The reviews are saying there’s a controversial new twist added to the story that’s going to divide fans. I read up what it is Square had one job. This isn’t even a remake, this sounds like an entirely new game inspired by ffvii
  17. PS4 is now getting weekly AAAAs https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/final-fantasy-7-remake-review-count-on-cloud/1900-6417445/
  18. 40hrs for 100 percent? That’s not bad at all. Will give me something to while I’m on 23hr lockdown in solitary confinement
  19. Yeah I couldn’t believe it either. It works here because this fight was produced and edited like a movie so they can use a lot of Hollywood magic and several takes to make him still look good. In front of a live audience he’s an embarrassment . I think last year him and Goldberg try to have a match and they almost killed each other by botching several moves since they didn’t have the strength to pick each other up and they kept fucking up and dropping each other on their necks. Dudes look gassed after 2 mins. It was like 2 guys in an old folks home doing wrestling
  20. What a ridiculous show this was haha. All this war, murders and meth using over freakin tigers. Worst part is it reaffirmed my fear of southern states and then some the people there are completely out of their mind. Almost none of the Zoo owners seemed right in the head
  21. To be fair there’s a ton more variety and freedom in the Persona games so the length never feels as long as it really is. Outside of dungeons you’re free to progress how you want when you want. Nocturne is just a straight up dungeon crawler for 60hrs although strangely I still liked it more than any modern Persona game
  22. I remember hyping Persona 3 while people on this forum were hyping lost odyssey who the hell even remembers that turd. Meanwhile Persona rakes in AAAs and AAAAs over and over
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