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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. Tiger King I don’t know what I expected .gif and I’m only on episode 3
  2. You’ll forget all of it by the time episode 2 and episode 3 come out in 2030
  3. That’s what I assume is most likely it but although my memory is hazy I only remember Zacks scenes being in Nibelheim or in the back of the truck. I don’t remember any scenes him staring at midgar. That small snippet looks exactly where Zack died in Crisus Core and if you look closely there’s like ting white feathers like the ones when he died in crisis core
  4. That tease better not be who I think it is at the end and if it is why is he alive it wouldn’t be Square if they didn’t decide to fuck with the original story
  5. It’s absurd how long these games really are. They need to cut down on the next one tremendously.
  6. I love how people are for some reason worried about spoilers and that they’re upset about this leak. Darth Vader is Luke’s father SMB2 was a dream Raiden is the main character of mgs2 omgwtf spoilers
  7. Imagine getting wet over a fucking video card of all things
  8. I actually like it right now haha. It’s just a bit here and there. But once it turns full on grey I’m coloring that shit
  9. Idk what I’d do if I started going bald. Shit seems like it would be depressing. They say it’s genetics and all you have to do is look at your dad and uncles to see if you might go bald. Can’t name a single one that went bald so I’m safe. Grey hairs on the other hand... My hair is still a dirty blonde but my short beard has been going very grey these past few years. oh well. I’ll take greyness over hair loss any day.
  10. Pretty sure they knew all along this would be a quick and cheap cash in and they decided half way to throw in resistance. Once I knew they were adding resistance I knew something was up. If they felt RE3 was RE2 remake level quality, they sure as fuck wouldn’t have included resistance. They would have sold Resistance as a 30 dollar stand alone game. That’s Capcoms MO
  11. That would be retarded if that’s the minority because RE7 is a much better game than RE2 remake. RE7 on PSVR was sublime.
  12. That one was pretty good too. Felt like a real haunted roller coaster ride haha
  13. Panzer Dragoon Saga was the best, it’s an rpg and a rail shooter in 1
  14. Rez in PSVR is one of the greatest gaming experiences I had this gen so I agree
  15. A plague take was pretty good. Pretty surprised. Better than I expected. I went in knowing nothing.At first it was a solid 7, then halfway it was a 7.5, then the 2nd half and the end I’d give it an 8.5. I finished it in less then 2 days. That’s a good thing about game pass because I never would have played this but since I could and did, now I’m interested in the sequel. I’ll even buy it if it’s not on game pass
  16. Nope. Forgot to mention this and I’m not 100 percent positive but something in the voice actors union says that after 10 years or so if they decide to remake a game they voiced, they have to re record their lines and be payed again for it since they don’t get any royalties, and they can’t be recasted unless they are incapable, deny it or are dead. retarded but it’s fair to the voice actors
  17. The ending with Brad Pitt had me in stitches hahaha. i watched this movie called Vivarium which just came out on just about any streaming service since I ain’t doing much else. I actually never even heard of it till my bro recommended it to me. I don’t think most people heard of it either. The movie has an interestingly unique world and premise, and seriously the most eerie and unsettling vibe I’ve felt in a movie in a long long time and it’s not even a horror movie. The movie at times feels like an episode of black mirror or the twilight zone with its surrealism. While
  18. Well that’s good then. I started it up last night and only played a bit but today I’ve already made it to chapter 8
  19. A plague Tale is interesting. The story sort of mirrors the current situation in the real world. im only up to chapter 5. Can anyone tell me how many chapters their are?
  20. The demo was shit. Archaic as fuck and the gameplay is just hot garbage. Making the demo harder than the full game so you can level up the jobs in this shit demo is retarded because now the full game is going to feel easy af. it also has one of the worst fucking cameras ever. Why do they keep making this shit and who’s buying it
  21. Im pretty sure I played this on Apple arcsde. Lmao phone games
  22. Oh shit. Now I’m interested. I thought it was another xrd revision
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