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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. Because twinblade is going to post the 6/10 kotaku review from this guy when it releases and actually believe his opinion without seeing he’s a fucking noob
  2. kotaku. wtf am I even reading. Sad part is Twinblade will still post his review on release and take their word as gospel as to how it apparently is not great after all
  3. The gameplay was pretty good overall and I think a lot of people agree even if it didn’t really fit. It was just the story that was complete and utter dog shit. but I don’t know where they could even take this series. All 3 games are so different and each one has its fans that you’re not going to please anyone with a new game. PE1 was an rpg, pe2 was basically resident evil, and 3rd birthday was a full on 3rd person shooter For a new game idk wtf they would make. A RE clone? An rpg? A 3rd person shooter?
  4. I’d say you’re an expert if you can beat those rts on their hardest difficulties. I mean I’ve played the same games you have but it didn’t take me hundreds or thousands of hours before I could finally get a grasp of the mechanics to finally consider myself a master. I would spend like 100 on each or a little more. You’re not learning alchemy here. If I spent 10000 hours does that make me more well knowledged than you? Like just throw me any game outside of DMC/NG, Which I beat on DMD and Master Ninja a million times. Shinobi? Nightshade? Bujingai? God hand? Shit, fucking Ch
  5. Meh I’ve played a fucking shitload of character action games but I still wouldn’t be able to get a feel of the combat system of a game if all I only spent with it was “15 mins” Even I had trouble kinda getting the feel of it down and I lasted an hour with it. That’s why I tried it a 2nd time for the fuck of it. this time skipping every cutscene and doing it as fast as possible. Still took me like 25 mins. The biggest time sink is the boss which that alone is like 10 mins.
  6. Look out, we got a bad ass over here
  7. Obviously. But even with that said it doesent come anywhere close to 15 min on a first playthrough or even a 2nd playthrough. I checked YouTube and all streams of the demo playthrough I found are 45mim-1hr+
  8. Not even close. I did a second run through, a speed run basically, skipping all cutscenes and it was still at least a good 25 mins even after knowing everything I need to do.
  9. This game would work better with a feature similar to XII’s gambit system which they’ve already done before. Doesent need to be anywhere near as complex but id like to control what Barrett or other party members do in very very specific situations. Having to switch to Barrett during the boss Just to cast thunder because he wouldn’t do it, or having to shoot Ariel turrets, is stupid. makes me wonder if it’s intentional so it gives you a reason to switch between party members. Feels lazy and unecessary
  10. It was the entire bombing mission. I thought it would stop before the boss, or after it, but it kept going. Not sure how much more they could have added for just a demo. And even if they did I would have stopped right there because I don’t want to replay all of it again in a month
  11. Delita

    My beats

    I thought this was some sketch on a comedy show. He actually thinks it’s a legit banger the fucking hand movements
  12. Pretty good. A lot longer than I thought it was going to be
  13. There’s a no deaths run trophy? Fuck that. I must have died hundreds of times in Ori
  14. Calling it nioh 1.5 is being generous at least going by the alpha I played last year in may? It felt more like an expansion pack. Nioh 1 was very good, and even more nioh sounds good on paper but I played too much of 1 that I can’t get myself to care about more of the same. Combine that with the fact that this genre has been done to death and I just found it so stale.
  15. Mention Hall and Oates but don’t list “I can’t go for that”.
  16. Reduced puzzles and adventure is a great thing because they were trash in the previous games.
  17. Fury is just a much better fighter any way you spin it. They already fought once and in the first fight fury should have won but it was ruled a draw. I see he agreed to a rematch to fight again and finish the trilogy. Waste of time. It’s going to be the sane again. That god damn ref needs to be fired though. Social media is tearing his ass up. He was clearly protecting wilder and should have stopped it way before he did, or by giving fury point deduction. but I already knew this would happen when I saw who the ref was. Sane guy who protected Floyd mayweather for years.
  18. I really wanted to like wilder but he does everything to be the bad guy. When he said it’s his goal to murder someone in the ring, I thought it was dumb. Especially since like 4 guys have died in the ring in the past year, And leading up to this fight he brought up fury having drug and alcohol problems in the past In the press conference. That’s going too far. He’s trying to be healthy now. Why even bring that up? so I was glad he got laid out
  19. Silent hill should stay dead. I’ve played every game a million times and with out the original creators it’s not silent hill anymore so what’s the point? Just create something new its like asking for a new metal gear from konami. No thanks
  20. Fury is much better, but wilder gots a deadly ass right punch. Going to be interesting. If he connects, the fight is over
  21. Way ahead of you. who you got bruv? Fury or wilder?
  22. I’ll have to try that out tonight. I usually use crackstreams but during big events it kinda craps out and I have to restart it.
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