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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. bruh you seen the times we live in? Some guy saying that would be considered first degree rape by feminists I agree with you but sjw cucks won’t
  2. No it was pretty bad I can see kotaku or polygon or some sjw website making a editorial piece Cids friends Biggs and wedge in xiv are dope though
  3. I want to see Cid I wonder if they’ll tone down his verbal abuse of his wife and the allusions of him being a wife beater considering the potential small controversy it would cause these days
  4. Doubt you’ll see either of them in this episode. Those cane way later in the game. . I’m surprised they kept that whole cross dressing part in the game lmao. Now I hope you riding the Ferris wheel at the gold saucer with barret is still possible in this
  5. If I could take a chopper rather than drive through LA traffic I’d do the same as him. Fuck that shit. Nothing makes me feel more suicidal than driving on the 405 freeway.
  6. The classic “2 cheeseburgers” defense.
  7. Yeah pretty much. I agree with both of you. Fun popcorn, flick though I watched it while downing several drinks in the theatre so that might have improved my enjoyment. The added twist was stupid and unecessary though
  8. B. No one keeps up this act for over 10 years without being mentally disturbed in some way and I remember he was the only person posting here talking to himself for years.
  9. I’ve had him on ignore for years. When I came back I was surprised to see he was still on it. The only time I see his posts is when he’s quoted. never found him funny or amusing.
  10. As horrible as this story is, this would make it ridiculously worse
  11. For some reason I thought he had 2? I’ve only ever seen him with 2
  12. That is fucking tragic. God damn man that sucks. He had 2 young daughters too. I read the title and said oh fuck no and was hoping it was a joke.
  13. I agree to a certain degree. My memory of revnant and gravity is kinda hazy now but what I thought 1917 did much better than either of those films is make me care about the main leads. I remember not caring about Bullock or Clooney. and I thought Leo and hardy were decent. I mean Leo is Leo. He’s never bad, he’s always bankable in any role in a movie, but he’s always just decent-good for the most part. While in 1942 I thought both characters did a superb acting job in giving the film an emotional weight that can carry a movie with a thin plot and light dialogue more so than the other 2 did.
  14. Antonio still hasn’t killed 3 people yet and leaving one blind in 1 eye after getting a 40 mil contract. Give it time and he’ll get there. His trajectory is eeriely similar to Aaron Hernandez so far
  15. Sad part is you know this shit will comeback eventually. Skinny jeans were being rocked by dudes in the 80s and then came back in style this century. Just watch any old 80s movies and how damn tight their jeans were like back to the future or something. i
  16. Yeah it’s good. very easy to get Into, but it’s not all that special once you really get into the genre. I’m kind of a snob Of this genre though. My name and avatar is from FFT. i know you’re into action games and it’s like someone recommending someone idk something like darksiders as the best the genre has to offer
  17. Nah I’m just giving you crap. Disgaea and fire emblem are pretty good. But these are honestly entry level low tier srpgs in terms of depth. Disgaea is fun. I’ve beaten the first 3. But I would not call it the best of the genre. It’s like calling killer instinct the best fighting game of the gen or something
  18. And it fucking dlsgaea is giving you trouble good fucking luck with this other games. *tips hat*
  19. Mentions heavyweights, plays disgea 5. Really? Those are garbo play final fantasy tactics. Or tactics ogre
  20. Gotta agree with Shenpoo 3. Played once, then uninstalled. Dumbster fire and a waste of money
  21. Man he’s pretty lame. While I more or less agree with his message he’s way too damn old now for this. His rapping and attitude takes me back to the 90s.. shit is like if that blues clues guy was still making episodes. At a point you just gotta call it quits
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