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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. I’m not going to say anything regarding your thoughts on where you think the story is going but I’ll just say the conclusion took me by complete surprise even when I literally had a dozen different ways I imagined this game was going to end and was still completely wrong. Amazing game.
  2. Whenever I think of professional athletes from combat sports like boxing, mma, I’m imagining years of experience, several month training camps, strength and conditioning coaches, rigorous training excersizes. This sport looks like some lard ass rolled out of bed at noon on fight day and just showed up like an average day of work Eastern Europe must be pretty damn boring huh
  3. I don't have an issue with the style and love them when used well. SNK have a lifetime of experience doing pixel graphics and their games always look damn good for what they are. I'm saying it should be left to developers who are actually good at doing them (this game is an example of that) rather than some indie developer with hipster faggots who think they're being unique by doing pixel graphics but really just look like shit.
  4. It's an issue because shitty ass indie western developers have taken it and driven it into the ground.
  5. Just copped Judgement Twinblade is a Yakuza OG so I’m taking his word and expecting great things from this banger
  6. Yakuza LAD Theres some thing about starting a new Yakuza. Gives me feeling of starting a quality HBO drama series Just reached chapter 3 and I’m hooked
  7. Sounds like MS's war chest with the infinite symbol on the bank account amount that they've used to secure developers and deals only to still lose every year miserably in AAA, AAs and GOTYs
  8. Straight from the Fucking lemming textbook of "MS ecosystem" https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4266780 Chinese netizens try to pad their Olympic stats with Taiwan's medals Chinese nationalists console themselves by including Taiwan's wins in fictitious medal table
  9. Really doesn't matter woman or man, 99 percent of people these days dress like they've effectively given up on life
  10. Nah it's way better than the first. Nothing about that review even says it fails to live up to in any way to the first. Almost all their complaints are things you can say the exact same thing about the first one. I think it just further illustrates how massively overrated the first one was
  11. Man the OST of Neo has been a huge letdown. I remember the first having such a bad ass soundtrack but this one has just been alright and kinda forgettable. The remixed tracks from 1 they've reused here in the sequel have been absolutely butchered whoever the fuck was the music producer of these new versions sounds like they hired them from soundcloud
  12. Someone delete remij's account already. Dude is competing with Dynamitecop on a daily basis on who can be the next tupac and consistantly hype the shittiest games
  13. And this demo is suppose to be one of PC/Xbox big "games" this summer. Fucking abysmal
  14. NEO The World Ends with You. So for so good. It takes a bit to adjust but once you understand the flow of combat it's actually pretty sweet. Unfortunately some issues I had with the first is still here in that the characters seriously don't ever shut the fuck up. At least the main characters aren't as obnoxious as the first one so far, i also think the game spanning over several days across weeks rather than what was it, 7 days? In the first one? lends itself a lot better than 7 long chapters. Here the first 3 days have been about an hour long each with reasonable pacin
  15. This is one of those series that should have never had more than 1 sequel at most. By the 3rd one it’s novelty had worn off though it still had some merit in terms of story ideas. Looking at that trailer i see this series has gone full retard with the anime and the gameplay looks literally the exact same thing of a game I last played in like 05? Lmfao
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