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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. Loved 3 and 4, as well as 1 and 2 a long long time ago. But this game let me down tbh
  2. The centipede spider walking guy with multiple arms. You fight him twice in the game who keeps swinging at you several times. i want to link the video but this forum has always been a pain in the ass if you’re on mobile and won’t ever let me link any thing. It’s on YouTube if you search
  3. There’s a few bosses that you can beat just by looking away from the screen spamming the block button till they’re staggered then do a deathblow. yeah it’s shit. Did anyone even play test this shitty game?
  4. I’ve predicted rockets to win for the past few years and they always choke. And I hate the rockets. cabt imagine what it’s like being a rockets fan.
  5. lmao there hasn’t been this much of an entertaining season in a long time. Now that it’s not another warriors domination, the nba is interesting again.
  6. They need to really work on their first party lineup. I think that’s thier problem. They’re obviously trying but what Sony and Nintendo are releasing reguarly right now really diesent compare. id say what they’ve done with game pass is pretty good, but they need to do a lot more to turn things around. i think competition is always good for the consumer so I’d like to see a real battle next gen, between all 3
  7. I really want to watch this movie. My brother saw it a few days ago and said it was really enjoyable.
  8. I wish I would have liked this game a lot more than I did, considering I really liked all souls games and bloodborne but this really did nothing for me
  9. Deleted. Also heavensward is better than life. stirmblood is the one that sucked but really it’s too bad you felt that way but eh. I thought it was incredible as well as the Alexander raids
  10. iOS is going to beat android next year again, bitch. come at me bro
  11. Obviously it was sarcasm. I think most vets here can agree this forum is Kinda stupid and pointless and is used to just kill some time. Anyone who after 15 years and is now in there 30s and 40s can still fight over all this dumb shit really has some sort of issues tbh
  12. Should have happened years ago. It started off as a body building advice and homosexual forum and has become a forum for incenls and child molesters now. There’s really no more worth to this place
  13. isn’t Sony buying remedy or something though?
  14. *starts at 40,000. Anyone ordered one?* Ordered one? Oh yeah. Pre Ordered 2. His and hers versions. We get it bro, you have a lot of money. What a dumb thread lol
  15. You’re the only one butt hurt here bruh and keep bragging about how you have a Pc vr set which no one gives a shit. But yeah, fuck half life 3, portal 3, left 4 dead 3, team fortress 3 etc. THIS is what fans want and have been Always waiting for from valve after doing nothing for years. its like being excited for a diarrhea dump on your face
  16. This is like gloating that you ride the short bus at school lmfao. Don’t really think anyone cares or is jealous of you bruh. Nobody cares about some vr tech demo when valve has been silent for years and this is what they come out of hiding and have to show.
  17. Nobody: literally no one: Remij: this is exactly what I wanted from the next half life all along!
  18. It was pretty much garbage through and through. And I don’t think they really have any hope of making a difference next gen or ever even if they change their entire strategy. one thing I can say I admire with the North American market is they’re very fickle and adjust to the times. PS3 was pretty garbage in its first few years with shitty games that preformed worse. No one wanted that crap and 360, understandably sold better during that time. In Europe PS3 was basically a huge success over anything even during the years when it was a turd in a box. im glad the
  19. All this streaming services both in terms of gaming, tv and movies is a bubble that’s about to burst. Who the fuck wants to manage 20 different streaming accounts
  20. Ever been to Europe? As a person who’s never been to Europe, how welcoming is it to non Europeans or I guess Americans? That’s kinda my worries. Someone told me that if I ever went to Europe, just tell them I’m from California (which I am). I guess it comes off better To them than saying I’m American otherwise you get treated like shit apparently.
  21. Same I want to visit outside of the country far. I’ve been to Mexico and Canada but I’d like to visit a place outside the continent like Italy, uk, Japan or South Korea. I’ve been thinking about it for a few years and I hope s erything works out to finally happen
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