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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. Doing a remaster a having it look worse and run worse than a 20 year old game is seriously impressive. I know if I did a shit job like this I'd be fired instantly I seriously hope these people weren't paid for this shit
  2. wtf? You're really getting butt hurt over that? That's seriously reaching. and it's fitting that this dude who has the worst opinion on everything leans right. Every day I'm impressed how much this guy sucks harder than yesterday
  3. Hmm. Interesting point. Thinking about it I do agree that no entry matches dmc1 in terms of atmosphere or even comes close. But on a purely gameplay perspective what itsuno did with the series was brilliant. That even kamiya copied for Bayonetta. I remember a long time ago you mentioned that weapons in dmc1 had a feeling of weight to them that just isn't present in the sequels. Which I agree. It's just all the dumb shit he did with the atmosphere, characters and making it so cheesy that kills it. I hate all of it. It's still fun but it's not where I would have liked the ser
  4. Yeah trues. But it's not really relevant anymore. 3 is better. 5 is better. I'd say even 4 is better. So while it had its moment it's been far surpassed by other entries it's like Wolfebstein > Doom SMT > Persona Demons souls > Dark souls etc
  5. Man idk. I honestly think that dude is hella overrated. He's good but he's not top tier in my eyes. Dmc1 and re2 were dope but they're not legendary status to me. I think part of it had to do with other devs making better games in that series than him. RE4 is better than 2, and dmc3 is better than 1. Bayonetta is just whatever to me.
  6. Tbh I wouldn't know what an A tier platinum game is. I feel like they all have their sort of problems including Bayonetta. Like those shitty insta death QTE sections
  7. This is the same jackass who used to spend all day making sociopathethic pictures talking shit about Persona when I was the only person who ever hyped it and no one even knew what it was and he would make fun of it now he's all interested. Please cut the crap already . You're not fooling anyone
  8. That's kinda how I feel about it. I like everything a lot except the whole investigation stuff. Like you said it's easy to overlook but I just wish it didn't have it to begin with. it reminds me of Nier automata. I liked the game a lot but the whole open world just dragged the game down for me. They need to stop with this this extra padding and filler nonsense and just stick to what they're good at.
  9. He's pretty much popular everywhere in the us. Most women just like the exact same music. It's like Drake. I have never met a women her 20s or 30s who didn't like drakes music.
  10. I don't really care for him but man you know he's doing something right when almost all women I know get wet at this dudes music.
  11. And it is. By far. But I'm not hopping on this jerry-go-round.
  12. I own Asteral Chain, DMC 5, and Bayonetta 2. I think DMC 5 is better. Dmc5 diesent have sections of having to talk to people at the beginning of a level building up percentage before you can get on with the stage
  13. I mean it's kinda true though. Besides myself, gokusan, and soup, I really haven't seen anyone else talk about the game. It's mostly being used as some sort of talking point by certain people.
  14. Asteral chain is pretty great but dmc5 is still my goty and just an overall better gsne when it comes to capcoms A team making a DMC action game platinun just can't compete. Not even bayonets comes close to DMC
  15. Is DynamiteCop basically the current Tupacolyte? I can't think of anyone who's wrong and has shitty opinions on literally everything since that guy
  16. Ugh https://mobile.twitter.com/jeffgerstmann/status/1169239667801149440?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1169239667801149440&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fs9e.github.io%2Fiframe%2F2%2Ftwitter.min.html%231169239667801149440
  17. Arghh. I've been reading your guys impressions on Fire emblem and I've been resisting the urge to buy it. I don't want to add another game to my list but it sounds like it's dope and fire emblem is my jam. I was hoping I could wait till after asteral chain but I'm not going to make it
  18. What in the fuck am I even reading in that resetera thread. fuck it, bring on global warming and kill us all and let's start all over
  19. Astral chain is pretty good. I'm not sure how I feel about all this investigative stuff but the actual combat is great
  20. God I can't imagine trying to play this in 2019. I have a lot of fond memories with the game even if the gameplay was crap and I'd rather keep it that way then ever revisit it. watching the same GF summon animations a million times, draw system, level scaling. *vomits*
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