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The Mother Fucker

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Everything posted by The Mother Fucker

  1. What RTX you own, Get out of my face.
  2. Gigga, go play on your Failbox One.
  3. I'm curious what Benchmark tool is being used.
  4. @Remij_Radeon VII sold out fast today, and it pulls 90MH on ETH mining stock, that's more than the RTX 2080 Ti. It is the best 7nm GPU currently on the market.
  5. I'm going to say it again, set up a Discord server for SystemWars. You don't have to kill the forum, but you should at least offer a newer alternative that most people are using today.
  6. You forgot to add, not that there's anything wrong with it.
  7. She didn't get shut down, rude black girl holding up sign tried to shut her but was stopped.
  8. What do you project 10, 15, 20 point lead over the Democrat in 2020 election?
  9. *sighs* he will if the Democrats don't come up with a strong candidate
  10. Trump giving a 10/10 speech? On what scale is that. George W. Bush gave better SOTU speeches.
  11. Man you guys suck, none of you highlighted the most potent moment of the event, and it wasn't Trump it was Nancy Pelosi's sarcastic applause to Trump.
  12. Now show a power consumption chart between the two.
  13. Why did Nvidia price their graphic cards so damn high this time. It's plain idiotic. It's the same dumb tactic Intel did with their CPUs and it backfired .
  14. Please don't tell me you watched that? Lame. I was at work, on my home laptop watching Tenchi Muyo.
  15. I was thinking a cut of his upper body. I can see him being used quite often here in threads.
  16. There is evil on all sides. Do you think the Devil cares if you identify as a liberal or conservative?
  17. It was all God's plan. Not the white man's.
  18. I realize I have access to the old Unsolved Mysteries shows on Amazon Prime, I can hardly stomach sitting through one episode, it's so frieghtning. Without a doubt still the most spookiest program to appear on broadcast TV. I'm not sure how the new ones stack up, but if the later old episodes of Unsolved Mysteries from the 2000s period when they replaced Robert Stack is any indication, they probably suck.
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