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Posts posted by soup

  1. 1 hour ago, -GD- said:

    They take like 5-10 min lol. Also, there are barely any in the second half of the game. 

    After the first day of the month, sure. It’s still bad and most of the support character interactions are pretty boring. It’s like the game tries to meet Persona halfway but doesn’t do any of the stuff that makes the off days fun. It doesn’t really help that outside of side missions there’s really no benefit to doing anything other than exploring.

  2. 17 hours ago, Ike said:

    Do people buy a copy of GTAV with every console purchase? Jesus, it should just be a pack-in title at this point. 

    So idk if it's still the case but GTAVs online currency was/is bundleded with the purchase and it a lot of the time ended up being a better value proposition to buy a new copy/bundle of the game on sale.

  3. 1 hour ago, Goukosan said:

    The snake has as much mobility  in the water as the panther does on land. 

    Yeah, but being the snake isn't fun. It doesn't help that they lack any interesting level design. They're just open pits most of the time. Clearly you don't agree and that's fine, Bayonetta 2 has other problems as well such as Umbra Climax. That shit is straight up broken.

  4. Finished Astral Chain last night and the decision to skip literally every side mission in the last chapter was the best decision I could've made. They do nothing but really weigh the game down. Bad "openworld" content isn't a new concept but there's just too much of it in this game, the only ones I enjoyed are the ones that ended in combat. Overall I still liked the game and recommend more people skip that filler since it's trash. I don't think I'll bother going back to S+ missions like I did w/ DMCV because of how side stuff impacts your overall score.



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  5. I get the whole "you're a cop tho" take on it but it's just not fun like 90% of the time. Some of them are just combat encounters so that's fine but shit like balancing ice creme or tracking things is just boring. 


    Oh yeah, another thing I forgot to mention is that they reuse assets so much. I feel like they created 2 zones for the game and that's it, heck by the end there you fight the same boss 3 times lol. It's still fun because the combat carries it but yeah.

  6. A chapter or two away from being done with Astral Chain and I've had a great time with it. The combat is a ton of fun once you get your Legion and start putting points into it, the story is cheesy but it's over the top anime-esque delivery lands with me, and the music is fantastic. My gripes mostly lie with the presentation, the IQ really suffers here and you don't even get a locked 30 out of it which can get really annoying during the more intense moments. I also don't think the investigation stuff works, sure it's optional but you get so much resources out of it you're kinda hamstringing yourself if you don't at least engage with them which kinda just destroys the pacing. So much of the late game is "SHIT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN RIGHT NOW HURRY" followed by "Hey, I have a stack of boxes I want to move so balance them using the gyro on your Pro controller. Thanks. ^_^" It's annoying/kinda bad but not too difficult to overlook. A game worth playing for Platinum fans and Switch owners for sure.

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