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Everything posted by soup

  1. Some of the "cutscenes" in Dragon's Crown are a bit much. One of them is just some drunken female knight in full plate just laying back spread eagle. Another is of a mermaid and they modeled her so the fish part doesn't start until after DAT booty.
  2. Dragon's Crown is dope. I don't like the cursor thing but man did I miss crowding around a TV with some BROs and hacking away goblins.
  3. Finished Radiant Historia ;( Great game, all the big plot reveals were telegraphed like 10 hours before their reveal which was kind of a bummer I guess.
  4. Just wait for W101, it's guaranteed to be the better game.
  5. Cleaned up all my side quests, now it's time to et DAT True ending. I think I managed to outlevel this game so I can just run through it, saw a guide and the dude was level 25-30 and I'm 55. Aht is also mad OP lol.
  6. Dragon's Crown I need to get through RH now before I get too involved.
  7. I have a list that I've been using ill PM later on. It just says the names Of the quests and what chapter they start on. You can google the rest or just figure it out lol.
  8. Are you going to play Radiant Historia, HM? I can put together a need to do guide for you like I did for GD with P4. Avoid spoilers and such.
  9. They aren't always so bad it's just Radiant Historia's is all based around utilizing different time lines which is cool once or twice but having to go back and fourth through the menus and black screens is a real bummer. Im just about done though, wanted to finished before Dragon's Crown but ill push DC off to the side since I'm enjoying this. I also don't like how they handle side characters, I feel like it's a waste to invest in them even though they are arguably better than Raynie and Marco though you don't get them as often or for as long as those 2.
  10. About done with Radiant Historia, really dug the game but the side quests are pretty rough. They're cool the first few times but its the same 2 quests with different items or people to get, really drags down the whole experience since you need to complete 1/3rd or so of the 30+ to get the true ending.
  11. Yeah, great game. Playing RH reminds me of how awesome that combat system is.
  12. Twinblade, have you ever played Grandia 2? You seem be looking for a game to play and I can't but recommend this one.
  13. I bought MGS1 and SotN and gave my PSP to my little brother.
  14. 15 hours and 3 1/2 chapters later I realize there are side quests in Radiant Historia. Do a little quick reading and learn I need to do specific ones for the True Ending. ;( Oh well here goes nothing I suppose! How many chapters are there? That way I can just rewind back and touch the must do ones later.
  15. I meant in comparison to P4, not sure if they changed ones.
  16. Well I was referring to prePSP versions, should've been clear about that. The combat system is more limited, the social links aren't as great (albeit some are superb) and then Tartarus is just Tartarus.
  17. If you planned to play vanilla P3 you won't get very far judging by your last few posts.
  18. If you dislike the dungeon crawling in 4 you'll hate it in 3. In 4 the dungeons were at least unique to the person you were rescuing in P3 it's the same dungeon for 200+ floors.
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