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Everything posted by soup

  1. Man, Radiant Historia is great. It angers me there's no map though, Im too OCD to assume I covered everything and there's plot points that force you into cutscenes.
  2. Dope, Money in the BANK. Sold stuff in NNK and ended up having to rebuy it for quests!
  3. Radiant Historia It's a bummer they keep tossing members into your party but I find them relatively useless, or well maybe not useless but a waste. Rorsch goes in and out of my party and Aht is bound to do the same, I'd rather just stick with the 2 constants which I enjoy. Loving the game though, combat system is awesome. One quick question, should I bother holding onto my old weapons? jRPGs need to make up their minds whether or not you should sell or hold onto your shit.
  4. Starter Radiant Historia again, not too sure why I ever put this game down to begin with. Only 3 hours in but it's great, I need to stop starting so many games. RL Bl2 and now RH
  5. Rogue Legacy Borderlands 2 does get minuscule amounts better after meeting Tiny Tina, I should just play online to finish the rest of the game.
  6. Yeah, it's supposedly supposed to be great but I couldn't get through the first few hours without getting so frustrated I returned it. I'm really bad at SRPGs though.
  7. She should still attack. It's usually based on player HP % before she'd start healing them.
  8. I still need to play P4G, waiting for a vacation when I'm away from my consoles/PC.
  9. They adddd bicycles, a new character, and a winter vacation to P4G, the changes aren't monumental or anything in terms of additions. But they did a lot to make it more modern so faggot weaboos like GD can stomach te constant pockey references.
  10. Started Borderlands 2... again. Hoping to get through it this time. Also, bought Rogue Legacy and I'm diggin it.
  11. He becomes a bigger deal and the segments get longer, they also get rid of the glyph finding puzzles which seemed to be the best ones. Also, there's a first person platforming segment, enjoy that.
  12. Yeah, Connors grandfather. I know the PSP versions are like games creates by Abstergo kinda like the MP and I think that's what they're pursuing because they ran themselves into a dead end with having to eventually reach present day AC.
  13. It's fine, they do a good enough job with the opening cinematic and it's clear even Ubisoft doesn't know what the hell they're doing narratively. Also, I think BF breaks from the whole ancestor shit and goes with it being a product of abstergo
  14. Brotherhood is the last great, hell even good, game in the franchise. Black Flag er whatever looks like it could be pretty awesome though.
  15. Finished NNK, went into the end really overpowered thanks to how absurdly OP Dinoceros is, or evolves into being lol. Had an awesome time with it though the ending falls flat,
  16. It's a great time to play a game like NNK since there's nothing else until September. It takes 3 or so hours to get going though which is pretty meh. All depends on what you're looking into, the cut scenes are few and far between and the voice acting is just as absent. Ive read enough to complete 3 books.
  17. Have they been replaced with those insta-kill hills?
  18. I like it quite a bit, id say its an easy recommendation to anyone who enjoyed Pokemon games when they were younger but grew tired of them. It has its faults though, a lot of menus hopping (especially during side quests) that doesn't need to exist, partner AI can be a bit of a bummer, the taming system is so random that it can get tedious and frustrating, and some other nonsense. But overall I had/am having a fun time. A lot of reviews seemed to focus on grinding and difficulty spikes but I did all the side missions and encounter neither of those things.
  19. Final stretch in NNK. jRPGs need to break from this "but wait.. there's more!" shit they've been doing forever.
  20. Well I wanted an Auroralynx and taming familiars is such a pain sometimes since its random.
  21. Spent the last 10-15 just fucking around in NNK, think that was a bad call. DAT fatigue.
  22. Oh yeah, helping Tengris soulmate was weird as fuck since this is the first time I saw my name in a videogame.
  23. How do you unlock the S and A ranks at the casino and are there Familiar tickets in them? Played Blackjack for like an hour and a half to get both of the B tier ones.
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