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Everything posted by soup

  1. Really? Wow. I did that whole Hamelin sequence last night. Got the Mornstar etc. 8 hours feels like not enough to close it.
  2. Plopped about 20 hours into NNK so far, at Hamelin, and I think I'm about halfway or at least it feels that way. Still enjoying it, some of the side quests are becoming a real chore but I do them all anyway. Game should've had a gambit system.
  3. Can turn into human to summon other players, use it to kindle bonfires to so you get 10 instead of 5 flasks, more humanity provides better chance at loot iirc also a ton of other shit http://darksoulswiki.wikispaces.com/Humanity
  4. At the point where I have to find out who the Cowphila is (well I know, just need to go back to Motorville)! I'm loving this game, I was a fan of pokemon (shocking!) but it got tired pretty quick and although this isn't 1:1 to that it definitely has that hook. Some of these hunts are brutal though. P.S. The music is great, the overworld theme <3
  5. Yeah, it's a great game. I need to replay it again. Maybe on an iPad for DAT resolution bump.
  6. DAT story gets wild at like the last 3 chapters lol
  7. Oh yeah, I played the Puppeteer demo, it was pretty awesome. The biggest fear I had going off trailers was that it would suffer from LBP floatyness (mainly because the games do look somewhat similar) but thats not the case at all. Can't wait to see the final product, P.S. I dont even know why the demo exists, the unskippable intro is longer then the segment you get to play.
  8. And it stacks with the stamp card buff? After how grim TLoU is this bright and colorful game is welcomed lol.
  9. Will do. How long until you get the ship? Running around the overworld is pretty slow even with the perk.
  10. Ill keep that in mind, repost it sometime. Im still early as I said, just got Esther.
  11. Ah makes sense. I mean I've had some close calls here and there but mostly due to me wanting to try my new familiars way too early. Do they all start at Lv1?
  12. Yeah, I'm doing all the side stuff since they're pretty straight forward. About to hit up the Trials after rescuing Esther.
  13. Started Ni No Kuni yesterday, put like 10 hours into it. Really digging it, the grinding must be later in the game because I have yet to come across a situation where id need to grind.
  14. Yeah, he was on an episode of 'Sup Holmes sometime in 2012 and talked about it. Pretty solid show if youre into indie develop(er/ment). Quality is rough and the host is a bit eccentric but yeah.
  15. To be fair it is an unfinished product, Konjak gave up on it and released a playable build and then late last year he decided to go back to it.
  16. Ive posted it a few times here I think but it's nice to have some reassurance that I'm not crazy and this game is good.
  17. Oh yeah, also Kentucky Route Zero. I haven't played them personally but it sounds like a game in our ballpark, GD.
  18. I'll have to do that later and try and remind myself to float you Lone Survivor like I said I would months ago lol. You should check out Iconoclasts, it's just a demo but I can't help but recommend it. I hope Konjak finishes it. ;( http://www.konjak.org/?folder=4&file=30 And SK, you should check out his Noitu and Noitu Love 2 games, theyre very Gunstar-esque.
  19. To be fair his complaints don't disappear as you get deeper into the game, they're just replaced with really awful sliding sections. When are you going to get around to HM? I want to see your impressions.
  20. I bough P4G at release and have been waiting to play it, ill probably get to it around November since ill be in FL visiting DAT fams.
  21. i picked up hotline miami (and last escape - free on ps+). i look forward to trying this game out still playing tlou. i hope to get in some quality time over the weekend. Its the perfect portable game. Levels take like 2 minutes, SuperMeatBoy-esque in length.
  22. Hotline Miami (Vita) and The Last of Us still. Really digging the Hotline on a Vita. Controls are well thought out and DAT screen. Not much else needs to be said, game is awesome.
  23. Dishonored got far more praise then it deserved imo but to each their own, the best stealth game of last year was easily Mark of the Ninja.
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