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Everything posted by soup

  1. Played through the entirety of Gunstar Heroes, love diz game ;(
  2. Tara biggest annoyance is how inconsistent it is on so many levels from the narrative, to actual control of your character, and those awful sliding sections that happen like 5 times lol
  3. Tomb Raider is probably an overall better game than UC3 with some exceptions, like locales, characters, dialog and the obvious stuff ND does such a fine job at.
  4. Beat Last Light like a weak ago the final few chapters were pretty weak and the story takes this nonsensical twist halfway trough lol. Solid game tho. Still messing around with Tera which is alright and Ys Seven which is fun but I barely play handhelds anymore.
  5. Oh yeah, I started Ys Seven and so far this shit is dope as hell. Is the whole game like the first3 hours? in the sense that the story takes a backseat in favor of the gameplay?
  6. Its just not a fun game, even less so when you play alone. I tried to play through it on multiple occasions and even bought the Mechromancer. Game is a snore.
  7. Its pretty awesome, the AI is really bad though which is kind of a bummer,
  8. I still haven't played my copy of P4G, been playing a lot of Tera. Game is alright, fun time waster to say the least. Lancers
  9. No, it's not that good nor is it worth the price tag. Did people only spec 1 via cation during DD? I maxed out all but the magic ones on my character when I played
  10. That happens even if you don't exploit the game. The difficulty is so unabalaced.
  11. Yeah, I'm 74 or some shit and the new area has 1 vocation NPC afaik and the trial/error gets old really fast. The new area is just poorly designed.
  12. The Pawn AI is the biggest turn off, it should've had a tactics window ala Dragon Age/FFXII. There's nothing fun about having your weapons constantly imbued with enchantments that do 0 damage to bosses.
  13. No, I don't remember there being any. Bought Dark Arisen at launch and haven't played it since, partner AI is so shitty lol
  14. There's a demo that will give you a good idea of what to expect from te actual gameplay of it.
  15. It's an alright game, I enjoyed it when I played it.
  16. CT and Grandia 2 are really the only 2 easy recommendations. It' seems as if they're the only ones that people without any interest in the genre can dive into. TWEWY has a decent combat system coupled with awful characters and tactics ogre has a steep barrier to entry.
  17. TWEWY isn't a fun game, don't play it. Just play Chrono Trigger DS or on the iPhone, whichever fits your fancy.
  18. Peace Walker was a fun time. There are parts that try to replicate a TPS which are pretty bad but I'd imagine that not being much of an issue with 2 sticks.
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