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Everything posted by soup

  1. Well the variety in Infinite isn't anything special, I don't think it's as limited as Bioshock 1 but it's not something that'll blow you away and Infinite isn't as mission based as Bioshock is, it's a far more cohesive game. Fetch quests do exist but are rare and far between.
  2. what did you like about it? how does it top the original? Lol what didnt I like about it. Encounters are fun, game is visually pleasing, the character interaction and development is great which is really nice after playing Tomb Raider, the tear system works really well and there's not as many throw away tonics like the original. What makes it better than the original? I mean everything. The argument can be made about the atmosphere I guess but I think I'd take Columbia over Rapture. There's just too much good to say about it, kinda just have to play it for yourself really. It also doesn't ha
  3. Started/Finished Bioshock, awesome game. I don't think any other 2013 title is going to be able to top it.
  4. What people havent said is, be aware it's a godly ass game.
  5. Finally, some real opinions. I think Lara is a stiff character in terms of animations, none of them look as fluid as they do when NaughtyDog is behind them. Though, the contextual cover system is one of my favorite things in awhile.
  6. Is it actually good? My girlfriend loves these types of games and I was going to buy it for her but Ive been holding off.
  7. Finished Tomb Raider. This game has more "bobsled" moments than Cool Runnings.
  8. Mark of the Ninja is a fantastic game an easy recommendation.
  9. Lol, I haven't played either games. I've just been hearing about them through Podcasts and such, figured I'd get our resident iOS guru to give 'em a whirl and report back.
  10. nah. what's it like? i'm really digging the room a lot, by the way!Dont know what the actual gameplay is like but you just create a disease and try to kill everyone on earth by infecting one person and then alterin or evolving your disease. I might just toss the 99 cents at it. Also year walk? is supposed to be really good too.
  11. Beat Rising over the weekend. Really dug the overall game, camera was pretty hazardous and the lock in seemed to just make it worse. PlatinumGames <3 Just realized this was the first game I've beaten in months. :|D
  12. Awesome game with friends. you mean like naming your soldiers friends? Or is there a MP component.Nah, we played it like a board game more or less lol, passes around the controller for whoever was up.
  13. maybe if the controls are fixed, they were pretty bad at launch
  14. Controls are the least of the games issues. Such a disappointment.
  15. Showdown Effect beta, got a few keys. Game is alright, the controls are a bit much but I'm sure in time that it'll be nothing.
  16. Meh, evading isn't a big deal, upgrade your soaring kick thing off the bat. It should be the only attack you use my like halfway through since the combat is pretty weak. Everything else though... so good.
  17. Started Dead Space 3 and it's safe to say I won't be going back.
  18. To be fair Tactics Ogres first 2 or 3 hours just shits all over the player.
  19. If you think you might get one, I don't see why not. You don't have to download them or anything so there's no real loss.
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