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Posts posted by soup

  1. It is and that won't change. I love XIV (6K hours) but it had easily the worst on boarding of any MMO. Early gameplay is bad, quests and story are kinda eh (WAKING SANDS AGAIN?!) But if you stick with it there a light at the end of the tunnel. The game has some fantastic end game encounters that are easily a class above current MMO offerings. 


  2. 17 hours ago, Team 2019 said:

    It's awesome but don't take it seriously as an MMO for PVP or end game. Waste of time.

    Lol what? PvP I'll give it to you but FF has a great endgame. Have you actually done any of Savage or entered either of the Ultimates?


    If you're on Aether and need help w/ anything let me know.

  3. 3 hours ago, Hot Sauce said:

    You've got it backwards. You attack them to make the building up of their posture bar easier.


    The only boss that's really a damage sponge (with Kuro's Charm, at least) is Corrupted Monk. The game can feel like bosses are damage sponges because if you let their posture bar recover you've essentially let the fight reset minus whatever vitality damage you've done. It's a much different game playing passively vs. playing aggressively.

    Even CM is easy to get through if you use the correct tools to tackle it. Confetti and snap seeds/firecrackers just destroy her. The game gives you such broken tools that it makes most of the encounters manageable in a relatively quick fashion. Hell, on my no bead run I punished the final boss to the point where he couldn't phase shift for so long that the game wouldn't let me DB him.  




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  4. Best class to start with is whatever class you are most interested in. There are obvious benefits to starting as a tank or healer since they have the easiest/fastest queue times for group content (but you can also just use AI partners now) and holding threat as a tank is really simple now. The only real benefit to sticking to 1 character is you can get a cheaper subscription and the way FFs XP bonus works. If you're leveling a class lower than your highest class (say I'm leveling a Lv1 when I already have a Lv80) you'll get +100% XP for the content you do. You also would only be required to do MSQ once which is what they gate most/all content behind.


    It's a great game but if you quit before IDK that you'd like it any more now. The story stuff has always been good from what people say and the GCDs/early game remain unchanged which results in it feeling pretty slow. 

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  5. Been playing that french rat game and it's pretty OK. The English dialogue and acting is pretty rough at times and I think the kid is super shitty and annoying. Puzzles for these first 6? or so chapters are pretty cookie cutter stuff but w/e. My biggest annoyance is the crafting system, it seems super unnecessary and goes out of its way to gameify a game that seems really hell-bent on telling a "serious" story. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, -GD- said:

    i keep forgetting to play it. how is it? 

    it's weird going back after so long since the game kinda just tosses you into it but it's been pretty fun. game still looks very very good and plays well. seems pretty short too so should be a nice trip back.

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  7. After beating the game and seeing the post credits stuff I have to say this game is pretty incredible. Not only does it manage to tank in terms of performance as you progress but the story itself managed to constantly get worse and worse. The "big moment" falls flat, the final encounter is nothing short of a fart in the wind and the actual finale just makes everything else that was bad somehow worse. 9/10.

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