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Everything posted by soup

  1. This shit is just Supernatural with far worse characters, to each their own though.
  2. Yeah, the visual design is what has me coming back everything else ranges from serviceable to meh.
  3. Well I was specifically talking about after that subway train is stopped and the camera cuts to the brake lights or whatever turning off. Also, 3 games and still no 180 spin?
  4. shiet. DS2 rarely took control away. Actually I think they only took control away in one cutscene around the drill area later in the game. Yeah, I mean I understand moments when it's necessary but it seems to be happening more often. One of my big gripes with RE6, watch the lights on that train turn off! SPOOKY. its dumb shit.
  5. I did, had a great time with it. DS3 feels like it takes control away from you far more often then I remember DS2 doing. I love "cinematic" games, I hate when they take control from you it's something ND nailed with UC2.
  6. How bad is it? I didn't even finish the demo so for all I know it could be phenomenal, but I doubt that's the case.
  7. yup it's a phenomenal game, played it shortly after Dishonored and it's such a better stealth game. it's funny that all it took Klei to make a great game was remove combat
  8. I don't get why people always say the game doesn't start until NG+, the difficulty increases slightly which is negated by your late game weapons.
  9. Ya its hard to say I guess which one I would have preferred if I played them in the intended order and at launch for both. Great games though, it seems like the biggest split is the hub world vs open.
  10. I prefer Demon's Souls and maybe that's because it was fresh but I like to believe it's because it's an overall better performing experience, DAT Tower is easily one of, if not the, most atmospheric level in a long time, and well the easy one is no Lost Izalith. Plus DeSo just comes off as a far more fair game than it's successor and it was far less bugged at launch which isn't much of an issue if youre playing them now.
  11. I am playing alone, I only pick at it when servers are down for something else.
  12. Started Borderlands again last night and it's still pretty mediocre. Going to actually try and finish it though.
  13. Honestly 20 bucks isn't overpaying for it. The game is PACKED with content albeit mediocre content.
  14. Put in ~10 hours into Torchlight 2 and it's safe to say I don't enjoy this game and don't think I'll finish it.
  15. Lv36 in Asheron's Call 2, would really like to hit the Lv50 cap before Turbine fixes the Hero Quest unlocking 51-150. But when the servers are down, which is far too often, I'm playing Torchlight here and there. The game shines the most when it's just something siting on the side, enjoying it more now that I'm not trying to play it to completion.
  16. I wonder how Fez will be now, the game was really heavily influenced by the online following but now that all that work is done I wonder.
  17. Yeah, LS is just an exe so it's an easy thing to send. Id recommend buying it though if you like it since Jasper Byrnes is just a dope ass dude. Ill do it when I get home in like an hour.
  18. Ill have to dig trough my PMs and email you Lone Survivor, GD. Would enjoy hearing your take on it.
  19. Asherons Call 2, Turbine brought it back and it being my first MMO makes it a pretty nostalgic experience.
  20. I think I'd like RE6 more than AC3 too. Shit if I gave ME3 another shot I'd probably like that more than AC3 as well. I don't remember much of ME3 aside from the ending but I don't imagine it being very fun to retread
  21. It's alright bro, I ended up not hating it completely and think its a better game than AC3
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