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Everything posted by soup

  1. that's what I ended up doing for the other campaigns, the gunplay is so wonky that its not worth taking the time to actually aim. it eats stamina up tho
  2. you can run through every campaign tapping aim/shoot at the same time and meleeing.
  3. id say wait a few weeks to play re6, theres a big patch this month.
  4. Hotline Miami Dragon Age, decided to play as a rogue this time and its easy mode even on Hard. Looks like ill be going to Nightmare.
  5. Stop and buy Hotline Miami for 5 bucks on Steam. This game is fuckin phenomenal.
  6. No animus? ;( Would've been humorous if there was, lmao. At least FC3 and AC3 have more in common then just their numbers they both have pretty subpar endings.
  7. Finished it, that last turret sequence was not good. The ending didnt deliver on all the cool quotes and Jason becomes a pretty unlikable character halfway through.
  8. It gets worse, enjoy the ending. Well fuck, maybe I should just start DA:O again since I picked up the Ultimate pack.
  9. Far Cry 3. It's a pretty fun game but I'm on the second island now and I can't help but feel it out stays its welcome.
  10. But I'd say BD, it's linear and pretty short. You could blast through that in a weekend easier than you could Forza but seeing as how you just finished a shooter...
  11. return? Where did it go? Lent it to a friend so I could catch up with AC3.
  12. Planetside 2 as I await the return of my Vita so I can play P4G
  13. I beat the first 2 but there PC version has this weird bug where it wont register your saves if unless you play it off a specific drive apparently so unless I play it in one sitting I can't carry my saves.
  14. Just got home with Persona 4 Golden. Time to beat Assassins Creed 3 so I can get to this masterpiece.
  15. Finished American Nightmare and I enjoyed it quite a bit. It's nothing groundbreaking or anything, just another solid chapter to Alan Wake. The Rod Sterling-esque voice over and heavy Twilight Zone (Night Springs) vibe helped a lot.
  16. Deadlight was pretty mediocre. Got halfway through the second Act before I decides to stop playing it. Started up American Nightmare and I dig the new enemies/Twilight Zone set up just combat isn't one of Alan Wakes strong points and this seems to be just that.
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