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Everything posted by soup

  1. Just finished Mark of the Ninja and damn, such a great game. This year has definitely been one full of phenomenal indie games. I recommend it to anyone even those who hate stealth games. Deadlight next, already know it won't meet MotN
  2. ^Awesome game. Been replaying it at a friends place since he currently has my copy. Def. check out those challenge modes when all is said and done some of the most fun, difficult and rewarding scenarios I've played.
  3. Mark of the Ninja. Game is dope, a better stealth game than Dishonored imo
  4. Some AC3 when I can but mostly X-Com, game is so good. Works extremely well with a controller too.
  5. Finished all 4 campaigns. Great game, can't wait for RE7.
  6. Finished the 3 main campaigns. Jake and Sherry was easily the least enjoyable, I have Ada left so ill finish that over this weekend. Anyone pick up the Mechromancer BL2 DLC? Thinking about getting it and slogging my way through that next.
  7. Embrace that shit, tell that ho you want to make her burst like a baneling.
  8. Lmao. If you haven't gotten to the Lambent Berserker yet then good luck. ResiUpdate: Finished Chris, off to Jake. As bad as I think/know this game is I'm not having a bad time playing it.
  9. Man, it's not hard to speak my mind on Resident Evil 6 it's just redundant so instead I'll leave this video as my argument. Contains Spoilers.
  10. I keep hearing Chris has the best one. Or at least it's the least offensive one lol. Did the first 2 chapters and its a weird one. I feel like there's far less ammo in it and all I'm doing is quick shotting -> meleeing dudes.
  11. Finished the Leon campaign. Really isn't much to say that hasn't been said, it's a bummer that its being called the best of the 4 when it's pretty mediocre. Chris, Jake, and Ada left.
  12. Picked up a used copy of RE6 so I can return it in a week. Time to check this out. :(
  13. Started XCOM, game is pretty neat. Don't think ill stick with it but the lack of story makes it something easy to return to later on.
  14. I should email you LoneSurvivor (even though you should just buy it)
  15. yeah, that's why I haven't played much lately. I get this way every couple of years. I only play when I'm in the mood. I would never play a game unless I'm looking forward to it. It could just be gen fatigue, who knows. It comes and goes, you guys are lucky though you don't have cold ass weather
  16. If you have to force yourself to play games then don't. It's a hobby not a job.
  17. No idea. But it makes sense that they do it, however, it's Sony and if it makes sense it's out of their reach. I don't think we ever saw a boxed release here in the states unless it came real late I'm not sure. I should be able to share it for free, nigbag
  18. If you can deal with limited camera control, Siren is a really fun time. I might even be able to hook it up since I own it.
  19. The fuck do I care? More interested in a group of first timers with the same schedule, BRO. have a group already just waiting on the last one to hit 80 so we can take a quick GW break.
  20. Lmao, I feel yah. Put in a few hours and I'm done unless I get some solid coop partners. Games rather boring.
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