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Everything posted by soup

  1. Getting it to work is easy, my complaints come from how terrible the moment to moment gameplay is. I mean I died last night because I didn't reload my hatchet Lmfao.
  2. DayZ. Game is pretty fun but fuck is everything about it borderline garbage. Got a truck last night though.
  3. Yeah. When you kill the final boss all your equipped items get instantly Dragonforged (better than +3) and once you get to post game Dragons start spawning on the map as well as other enemies, there's a Hydra in one of the castles too.
  4. The level where you have to lance 100 in 2 minutes gets wild. Can't imagine what's keft
  5. Ah well then, download the following demos. Shadow Complex Bastion Castle Crashers (same screen coop though) SuperMeatBoy Fez, Splosion Man, Ms. Splosion Man as well though I didn't really care for Splosionman myself.
  6. Helps to know what you have. Summer of Arcade is looking good though, you might want to just wait for Deadlight.
  7. Been replaying the TWD episodes since my saves wouldn't carry over to the steam version, it's neat to play them again with someone else's input this time. PSO2 is still
  8. Lmao yeah. Some are pretty dope. Sucks that NG+ are hardly worth playing since the game is so much easier. Have you finished it yet? There's like an ending to the ending to the ending. It's wild.
  9. Nigga they are literally the worst quest type in most games, escort missions.
  10. Nigga the sideuqests suck and even the main quests have little to no continuity. Other than that though DD is dope.
  11. Well theyre in the comic too AFAIK. I mean it takes place before Glen goes to Atlanta.
  12. Isn't it essentially a prequel with a different cast?
  13. Spoiler I picked Herschels son and he died, Kenny saved his kid though.
  14. The campaign is only half the enjoyment in VanQuish, I really feel bad for the people who don't tackle the Challenge missions.
  15. Dyad is next week nigga. How is RM? Malicious in 2 weeks too... finally.
  16. I didn't use any pills, I might've used a blue one really early on when I was learning how to play but other than that I never touched 'em. But yeah, a lot of flares and killed a lot of thinmen.
  17. PSO servers are down so I decided to get back into Lone Survivor. The generator scene in the basement was awesome in the city now, game is great.
  18. The ripsaw or whatever it is called lets melee freely. Just risk/reward nigga.
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