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Everything posted by soup

  1. Get the PS3 version if you're not getting the PC one. The PS3 has a season pass which AFAIK the 360 lacks.
  2. PSO2 has consumed me. Full class trees, anywhere respec, new enemies, and the environments <3
  3. Couldn't disagree more with Max as a character. "Man, I'll probably fuck shit up this time." "I always mess up." "I messed up." "Damn, I suck." Dude was so one dimensional and annoying.
  4. Yeah, there's an episode of 'Sup, Holmes? with him and he seems like an awesome dude.
  5. Yeah, i'll have to finish that part tomorrow. Damn. Sat and listened to for like 10 minutes though.
  6. did you get to the basement in LS yet? Barely put any time into it really.
  7. Phantasy Star Online 2 and Lone Survivor here and there. Viewtiful Joe 2 on sitting on the desk.
  8. Finished Walking Dead Ep. 2 and started Lone Survivor, game is pretty awesome so far.
  9. Damn forgot about that Please tell me if there's a Berserker armor set, I'll go buy it right now. 800 MS points. Spoiler Nah, you get it from a quest.
  10. There's whole armor sets dedicated to Berserk in DD bro.
  11. Yeah, the couple is well hidden too. Fun stuff, need to beat the DLC now.
  12. Nah, you just need enough to upgrade I think. The 3 bosses and the 16 couple conversations were my last 2, none were very difficult though.
  13. Messed around with The Iconoclasts, a neat little Metroidvania game. It's not done yet, but there's an alpha version up for free worth checking out IMO. http://www.konjak.org/index.php?folder=4&file=30 Going to play Lone Survivor after Viewtiful Joe.
  14. didnt do a single one. don't like anything desmond related tbh :|D
  15. If you're a G like me you'll only ever do it once. It's really easy to avoid.
  16. why? Retribution isn't that good. Brotherhood > 2 > Ret > 1 IMO
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