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Everything posted by soup

  1. Max Payne is pretty dope. On chapter 11 or some shit, probably finish tomorrow.
  2. Dragon's Dogma, I dig it. The game is mediocre on so many levels but I keep going back.
  3. The novelty of the city wears off quickly and you find yourself angry at the fact that you have to go around the Asylum instead of over it.
  4. AC is more of a rhythm game than an action one. Downloaded ORC. Spoiler Unintstalled ORC.
  5. Started Dark Mode, just about done with Ch. 1, don't think I'll finish.
  6. They bundle UC1 and 2 for relatively cheap and this holiday they'll be bundling the whole trilogy I think.
  7. i gave up on lone survivor :( the basement level is just too cheap. Shucks, I haven't even really looked into it. Just seemed to be getting a lot of positive buzz and Jasper Byrnes sounds like an awesome dude. when does that come out? sounds intriguing. All it says is sometime this year.
  8. http://www.theverge.com/gaming/2012/5/2/2992250/the-unfinished-swan-is-like-the-first-15-minutes-of-an-awesome-game Could make a thread but nah, game looks pretty awesome.
  9. Pretty dope game, not sure what your PC situation is but it's not demanding and plays just as good, if not better, with a KB/M than it does with a controller. Going to have to pick up Lone Survivor next.
  10. GD, you should scope out Dustforce. Seems like something you might be able to dig and it's on sale right now.
  11. Just don't remember it being this harsh in vanilla but it seems like a minor sacrifice
  12. Yeah, maybe I'll restart on Dark to see if I can get into it again.
  13. Fuck that noise. I probably won't beat it. Can't get into it again, but I beat it twice already just wanted to check out EE and it's acting all funky for me. Sometimes my attacks don't hit enemies, the lighting gets all fucked up, and the texture pop in is gross, plus was the game always as pixelated as it seems now?
  14. If you like the first 3 just buy the whole pack, that's my plan.
  15. Started up Risen 2 just for shits and giggles. This is a strange one.
  16. IIRC it's the side mission where you either turn the dude in or not in the cellar
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