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Everything posted by soup

  1. Worth the fifteen bucks or whatever eh? Yeah. Unless you're one of the people who judges games cost based on its length. it's like ~90 minutes but one of the best experience I've had this console cycle.
  2. Finished Journey for the second time, so damn good.
  3. If you play it with a completionist mentality the game can get old quick.So feel free to skip a lot of the side content.
  4. Saving an upgrade or two on the map just so you can get an autorefill in Vanquish was
  5. SSX can't find my SD card reader for Devil Survivor 2 :(
  6. Perhaps, I won't go back to it. The length was great IMO, the game doesnt overstay it's welcome even if the execution animations get boring pretty fast.
  7. Started/finished Darkness 2 today. Really short game and the scenes between Jackie and Jenny were really well done so I kept playing to see the next one.
  8. Finishing the last push of Amalur and then I think I'm tapped til SSX.
  9. Will wait for next 8-4 to see if minds are altered before picking it up and borrowing a 3DS.
  10. Not every game needs to be a thrill ride like Uncharted. I agree completely.
  11. I'm perfectly fine not having to experience more bloated games like SS.
  12. God damn, I forgot how sweet the music for Rayman is.
  13. TB, can you recommend some Vampire Masquerade mods? Never played it and now that theres nothing new on the way I can dedicate some time to it.
  14. The next time you go back Spoiler the entire forest is submerged under water and you have to swim around collecting musical notes
  15. Yeah, LA Noire definitely overstayed its welcome as did Lords of Shadows, but whatever some people think length = value and that's not the case for me. Great 6-8 hour experiences > <3
  16. At the end of the day it's a solid experience and one that I could recommend if you have a Wii. It's just, to me, Skyward Sword is the perfect example of why we don't need every game to be these 30 long epics. The game could trim a lot of fat IMO.
  17. Yeah, it definitely starts slow which isn't that big of a deal. All Vinnys complaints (which is what I think you're basing this on) are entirely true. That last 1/3rd of the game is what really got to me had I not put in 20 hours I would've happily put it down. Still hate motion controls though and wish I could use a classic controller. Rage was a fun experience, stick to the campaign and just accept the horrible ending.
  18. 33 hours later and Zelda is done. Game was great at times and bad at others. Wouldn't have hurt if it was shorter.
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