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Everything posted by soup

  1. Rayman was solid fun and Revelations is skippable. Waiting to get the Ico collection for like 20 bucks since I own both games already.
  2. Save the best for last, UC3. Wasn't a fan of Batman though.
  3. Put in 15+ hours into Skyward Sword over the weekend, having a great time with it my only real complaint is the fact that it's on the Wii.
  4. Can't say I've been this excited to get my Wii back in like 5 years, finally get to crack down to Zelda.
  5. 100%'d Rayman. Every trophy, world, medal, electoon, skin, livid dead stars. Should've been in bed awhile ago.
  6. Rayman keeps getting better the more time I sink into it. The speed trials are kindof a botch but I've managed to do every one and plan on doing all of them, the second round of bosses are awesome, reminds me of the grotesque scenes from Ren & Stimpy when I was younger.
  7. Lmao, did the other ending last night not nearly as sweet. The whole "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" segments were awesome and then they practically shit on UC2s end boss.
  8. fun ass game. beat ac:r on pc yesterday, fun game but they need to radically change the formula for it to stay interesting and it's sad that it seems desmonds game is coming up and desmond sucks.
  9. No doubt, thought the demo was great. The controls aren't as tight as a Super Meat Boy and sometimes you just lose momentum for no reason, but whatevs shit is fun. Diablo 3 is better, naturally.
  10. It's definitely an awesome game, the coop is a little too hectic though and it's not fun in the same way NSMB Wii was/is.
  11. Don't think I'm ever going to finish Rayman, fuckin' got the 100% sickness
  12. Put in 10+ hours into Diablo 3, maxed out 2 of the 5 characters. I think it's safe to say Blizzard has me hooked yet again. Will probably max out all 5 classes.
  13. I felt like the only time they delivered with the magic was during one of the boss fights, which was pretty depressing because I wish they had done it more often. Picked up Rayman on Friday, solid game.pros/cons with rayman? I really only put a few hours into it, I 100%'d the first world and haven't really played much since Saturday, not that I don't like it its just I wanted to finish what I had going. Finished Saints Row the Third the other day, solid game. Barely touched Skyrim since I got into the Diablo 3 beta, already clocked 12 or so hours in the last 2 days hit Lv cap with my dem
  14. I felt like the only time they delivered with the magic was during one of the boss fights, which was pretty depressing because I wish they had done it more often. Picked up Rayman on Friday, solid game.
  15. Was never a huge fan of these Metroidvania-esque (though not really) games but Cave Story is great. Played it for most of my night instead of logging into BF3.
  16. Game's pretty good, it's hard too but awfully short from what I hear. Permadeaths make me though so I haven't put much time into it.
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