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Everything posted by soup

  1. I've gotten to the point where I'm so good at games that I just tell my girlfriend we're going to watch a movie.
  2. That Rage ending was HORRIBLE. Had fun though, Rage is a beautifully ugly game. The problem with RAGE was the ATI drivers, if you have an ATI card you'll have to download an update not included in the last driver update.
  3. Finished Dark Souls and started Rage, fun stuff. I didn't realize ATI released separate drivers for their Rage patch so that fixed it. Nvidia4life
  4. Might just have to buy Rage later on if they don't fix the PC, watched a friend play it on PS3 and it looked great without all the ridiculous amounts of screen tearing.
  5. It starts off better but turns to shit after you leave the resort.
  6. gears mp until dark souls and rage puts that on hold for awhile.
  7. Im still going to keep playing, hoping it will grab me. However, I just find it rather boring. I hope it's like darksiders, in the sense that the game takes off a few hours in. itll continue being rather boring and then it won't end for another 15 hours
  8. Got my Druid a Breath of the Dying last night. Cash. B)
  9. space marine is one of the most generic pieces of shit i've ever played. LoS shits all over it lmfao yeah los oozes with originality.
  10. It just feels awkwardly weightless, like you're pushing a camera through the environment.
  11. Ah reasonable. Really dislike the way the game feels on the 360.
  12. Are you revisiting Mass Effect 2 or is this your first time? I've tried replaying it on my 360 and just shut it off before I finish the tutorial.
  13. An onslaught of so-so games. Dead Island and Space Marine, both are alright, nothing too insane. Can't wait for the Fall season to finally start on the 20th.
  14. Diablo 2 and I picked up Dead Island to play with a friend.
  15. It's pretty easy picking the right characters. I did it when I first played.
  16. Probably put in well over 50+ hours into Diablo 2 already.
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