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Everything posted by soup

  1. It seemed like it would be, just hard to get into handheld games. The last one I played was Ghost Trick.
  2. TWHBR. Nah, it happens with every JRPG I play now. I really liked RoF, Atlus' last DS one (game name escapes me but theres white/black book), shit even Strange Journey just can't get into them anymore. Still looking forward to Devil Survivor 2 though.
  3. doesn't it have a japanese voice option? No idea. Only options I fiddled with were the camera ones. The VO isnt bad enough to not play, it's just I'd rather play something else.
  4. Started Xenoblade over the weekend, great game with shitty VO. Probably won't put any more time into it though.
  5. I can hook you up with an IPT invite if you need one, Saucer.
  6. Got back into Vanquish, completing the Challenge Mode.
  7. At first theyre pretty bad ass but like any game like this there comes to a point where it gets really repetitious. You can only shoot someone in the face so many times before you don't really want to get involved. But there are more types.
  8. Man. Spoiler Was really hoping the Elizabeth Short cast was going to be in this, just wanted to seem them recreate that crime scene since it was so brutal.
  9. Playing LA Noire with my girlfriend, it's a pretty dope game. I'm doing all the playing and she's doing the interrogating.
  10. Yeah, just waiting for the crack. Hot Sauces little impressions was enough for me to cancel my preorder.
  11. whyyyy Why what? lol I didn't think you liked Alan Wake. Lmao, well I wanted to play something I could easily put down. Only got to Chapter 3. Skipping LA Noire.
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