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Everything posted by soup

  1. u liking it? Not really. The game overstays it's welcome and the combat gets stale after 5 or so chapters. Had a lot more fun with Deadly Premonition TBH. Plus, God of War 3 was better.
  2. Decided to tie up Castlevania and got to Chapter IX yesterday.
  3. Just try not to rage quit when you enter a battle and every enemy spams your weakness.
  4. Persona is definitely not for everyone, their is a heavy emphasis on the high school aspect. But yeah, like DavidP said the game opens up later on, but it takes awhile. It'll still be more school than dungeon because your characters will suffer fatigue but if you stick with it you'll be spending a lot more time dungeon crawling later on.
  5. Really wish they didn't go the way they did with DA2, regardless I put in 20 hours so far. Game's still fun it's just being stuck in Kirkwall gets old fast.
  6. Spent like 10 hours with Dragon Age II this weekend. At this rate I'll never finish Castlevania.
  7. Game's long though, been playing for ~15 hours since Sunday and I just got on the 4th episode. Infinite Magnum and Flamethrower <3
  8. Life is Beautiful. Francis York Morgan is such a great character.
  9. Yah, I figured I'd let you know. I haven't even touched the side quests and I probably won't but I can't see this being shorter than 15-20.
  10. It's pretty long, I've played for like 4 1/2 hours and I'm just about to finish the 1st Episode.
  11. Well DP is definitely weird, incoherent, and at times thrilling. A lot of it is just silly, it's just the open world part of it is it's weakest link.
  12. I've never seen Twinpeaks, so I have no idea. It's not a game I'd recommend, wish it had higher production values and fixed some of these bogus ass problems.
  13. I'm having fun with it, there's just a lot of bad to brush off.
  14. Damn, sunk in a good 4 1/2 hours into Deadly Premonition yesterday and played a good chunk of Castlevania. Think I'm enjoying DP more.
  15. Deadly Premonition/Castlevania Beat the Lycan king.
  16. Hope I can sort out my PSN situation so I can get to finish Stacking. ;( Radiant Historia is pretty fun, but I won't finish it. I simply can't be bothered to sit down with my handhelds anymore unless it's my phone. Pretty sure my iPhone ruined handheld gaming for me.
  17. Yeah, my PS3 died so I had to replay the first 2 chapters. :(
  18. Only at like Chapter II in Castlevania and from what I played it's alright, pretty unoriginal though.
  19. Bulletstorm since my PS3 died. Game's ok, nothing too nuts.
  20. Started playing Donkey Kong and it's got this real great vibe to it and I'm digging what I played. Sadly, I probably won't finish it because the waggle =
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