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Everything posted by soup

  1. how are u liking pw? btw, the first case is more like a tutorial than anything else. the second case and on = From what I played I liked it but I haven't played much more than the first case. Been playing TF2 again.
  2. Did the first case in Phoenix Wright and am playing through MGS1, still have Stacking to play just haven't felt like sitting infront of the TV </3
  3. Nice, it's already up too. Gotta wait til lunch to play this beast.
  4. Just saw that video you posted... CtR remains the best IOS game.
  5. From what I've played I'm enjoying it. It's nothing too complicated yet but I only did the first puzzle. Multiple solutions is great though and being rewarded for them makes you stick around even after you completed it.
  6. Not sure, only got as far as my brother last night. But I mean, it'd make sense that you could.
  7. You play the role of a development studio and you just make games by picking a genre and a type of game, some combinations reap you "level ups" in both the genre and the type. There's annual GOTY awards, game shows, and every game you make gets reviewed. It's nothing too nuts, just humorous. Pretty much Sims: I Make Games edition.
  8. Been messing around with Game Dev Story now that it's 99 cents. It's a pretty neat "game"
  9. The only real thing I disliked about Dead Space 2 aside from a few enemies were how predictable those rooms with the dudes who hide behind shit are.
  10. Its still boo scares but the environments actually change.
  11. better than DS1? I'm on chapter 5 atm and I say the two games are even so far. A lot better. I played only using the Plasma Cutter and using up nodes for every door I could. Bought a shit ton too.
  12. There hasn't been any thus far. Its not just a giant ship this time so there isn't much back tracking but a lot of the levels are interconnected.
  13. It's the same game with new environments but i'm having a blast. The set pieces are great.
  14. Beat Ghost Trick last night. Man, I thought I had an idea of what the ending was going to be like but damn that shit was ridiculous. Great game. Started LBP2 last night and I'm diggin it
  15. I heard theres way more air control now. Can't wait for mine toget here.
  16. 9 was pretty damn neat Yeah, I'm really digging the variety.
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