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Everything posted by soup

  1. Aw daym, they're bawlin. Can't wait for whatever the next levels are, getting all 3 stars got to be a bit much on some of the gravity levels.
  2. Lmao those were the new ones yah doof. But yeah they raped.
  3. Actually got back into Dragon Age since I have to share my consoles. ;(
  4. Yeah, it's the reason I hate motion controls. They all seem to be a step backwards in terms of camera control.
  5. it's sad that in the year 2010 developpers can't get cameras right. Most Wii games suffer from terrible camera angles due to lack of a 2nd analog.
  6. A lot of familiar voice actors from Persona so it makes the characters feel "homey"
  7. Yup. Check out, Z.H.P. Shit's got humor oozing out of every pore. ZHP? Never heard of it :] http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMEqIzM843U It's worth checking out for free.
  8. Yup. Check out, Z.H.P. Shit's got humor oozing out of every pore.
  9. Did you need to be a Gold member to get your points? I haven't gotten shit.
  10. Sat down with Brotherhood for 2 hours yesterday, it's a solid game. If you like the other 2 you'll love this, combat has been improved (albeit easier), they added a ton of new systems kinda reminiscent of Fable (Renovating shops/Stables/Etc.)
  11. Picked up ZHP: Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman. This game has such an incredible sense of humor.
  12. Probably going to the midnight launch. My girlfriend got really into Assassins Creed, she's been playing 2 for like 27 hours. Got all the feathers and all of that other tedious stuff.
  13. Finished it. Beat my playtime by over an hour, lmao. God Hard remains.
  14. Nice. If you die does that just mean you have to start the stage over? Yeah, stages last ~10-15 minutes though.
  15. Playing Vanquish again going for the no deaths trophy. Game owns, the set pieces are some of the best. Games DEEP. Easily my favorite TPS this Gen.
  16. It's just Plug and Play on Windows. The Play and Charge kits don't work though unless you have that receiver. Assassins Creed is a much better game when you're watching it being played btw.
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