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Everything posted by soup

  1. New Vegas lost it's steam for me, will wait for new mods before I bother with it again. Just Vanquish with a dab of Super Meat Boy here and there. Damn, Vanquish owns.
  2. I still haven't tried any of the dark levels yet. A+ every thing thus far though.
  3. It's easy when you learn the pattern, shit I still remember it. It's just after a certain amount of deaths you just stop giving a fuck and it gets progressively worse.
  4. Im also playing at a really slow pace. I've had it since Day 1 and I only just finished Hell. I play a world every 2 or 3 days.
  5. Yeah, between getting all the bandages and the dark levels I have a whole nother game left.
  6. Still have a ton of Super Meat Boy, so I might just get the RDR pack.
  7. Mid - late november at the latest. Awesome. Now to decide between Splosion Man and Undead Nightmare. ;(
  8. I usually fall for the charm of Fables universe every time it gets released but this one sounds and looks awful.
  9. Skip Dead Rising 2/LoS and only play the opening segment of God of War 3. There, just saved you 25 or so hours.
  10. It was $40 at KMart but I don't know if that deal is still up. I don't regret spending my 60, but I can see others feeling like they've been jipped.
  11. Been jumping around a lot. Finished CQ, started Super Meat Boy and New Vegas. Going to go back to Vanquish though.
  12. I didn't do too hot, I missed the Time Completion Bonuses on a good amount of missions. :( But I don't think we're even PSN friends.
  13. Did you get it for PS3? Can we compare time completions with friends on the leaderboard? Did I get it for the PS3? The fuck kindof question is that, who the fuck want's to use the 360 bumpers to boost? I haven't really looked into the leaderboards yet but I don't see why you wouldn't.
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