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Everything posted by soup

  1. Yeah there's not enough voice over for me to NEED the US version, I'll download it to boost my ratio on IPT and swap it onto my USB stick when I finish the Jap one.
  2. The voices are but there is an English patch out already. The one I downloaded was already patched, so I wouldn't be surprised if you found the same one. There's not much voice work though.
  3. The only site I know its up for a fact on is TehParadox but unless you have a paid account for MU/RS/HF etc you're better off just typing in Keito No Kirby into google. The one I got was "originally" hosted on demonoid but I'll take that with a grain of salt.
  4. It was some sketchy ass torrent site so I don't know it.
  5. how is it?It's a lot of fun. Played ~2 hours or so with my girlfriend and she loved it to.
  6. Yeah, later on the stars start disappearing if you take too long. It's some neat stuff.
  7. Hell yeah it is, I beat all 100 levels in like 1 sitting because I couldn't get enough. That little green guys unhappy sound was unbearable. ;(
  8. Played through the final chapter of Alan Wake last night, "The Writer". It's honestly everything I've wanted from the game, it's an hour and a half or so of delight and will go down as my favorite chapter in AW. The ending still sucks and it was pretty expected even after beating the disc release but everything else was pretty great. Also beat Peace Walker last night, game was great.
  9. Aye, so if you decide you want it holler atcho boii. Will be in FL for Thanksgiving too so shipping would be cheap.
  10. The only thing is you can't hack these, but I don't really spend much time handheld gaming anymore so I've been trying to off it but don't want to trade it in since they give you little to no money and resell it for 10 fold.
  11. how old is your psp? A few months, maybe 2 or 3. I keep it in good shape like all my other gaming goods. It's the PW bundle.
  12. I'll sell you mine for 125 with Peace Walker when I finish it.
  13. There's a lot of neat feature in PW that I hope transition over to the next console based MGS, if we get one of course.
  14. that game does look fun! I had a great time with it, very few levels have you actually thinking but it was still incredibly addictive probably due to it's simplistic yet satisfying gameplay. Started up Peace Walker again, I stopped playing at the last Chapter and am going to finish it this week.
  15. Trying to go for the 200/200. Need to grind my way to get 125,000 shots fired and I have to do the total recall boss without getting hit. Is that the "Secret" Achievement? I beat the game with 70k shots, I don't think I'm willing to get back into that.
  16. Has anyone played Enslaved? I keep hearing how incredible the narrative is and it makes me want to play it.
  17. Been playing Cut the Rope, it's a fun game and definitely worth the 99 cents. It's real easy (got all 300 stars) but it was definitely enjoyable.
  18. Lmao, the Manga levels were easily my favorite ones. The Pling Pling song
  19. There's a ton of them on TehParadox, I don't use the site so much anymore now that I have an IPTorrent account. Only to find out when new games leak but I always check the Wii Thread and see some crazy ass stuff.
  20. Have any of you guys played the community versions of games? Like Mario Kart Black, and the dozens of NSMB levels?
  21. The point system still blows dick though, getting Costume Quest on PSN.
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