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Everything posted by soup

  1. http://realhotstuff.com/-c-124_105.html Also any of these: http://www.divineo.com http://www.mod-chip.com http://www.realhotstuff.com http://www.dragonds.com http://www.gamebygame.com http://www.ndshub.com http://www.wikinds.com http://www.gameplayfun.com
  2. It looks a lot like an isometric Vanillaware game with a dynamic narrator.
  3. Yeah, hopefully next year delivers. Bastion is looking pretty neat.
  4. Played some Portal last night, first time the OB released. The game's got some great charm still I doubt I'll finish it again since I know the outcome and the puzzles are still pretty familiar but man, I can't wait for Portal 2.
  5. .... no. Spoiler Remember My Family This is a secret task and not an official part of the “missions” tab, but concludes the game's storyline. As Jack, head to Blackwater and talk to the federal agent near the train station. Spoiler He'll let you know that Ross has retired and has headed to Lake Don Julio. Go to the lake, now marked on your map, where you'll meet Ross' wife. She'll tell you that Agent Ross has taken a trip down to Mexico and is fishing just north of Chuparosa. Advance there and you'll encounter Ross' brother, who'll point you towards Ross' location.
  6. The army one is the one you said and the redemption one is Spoiler when you're playing as John
  7. There's the army and redemption ones right after those.
  8. Well I have 2 characters, 1 Lv110 and this new one I'm starting which is only like 13 or something. It's 10+/- the level your character is, dont remember how the NG+ plays into it.
  9. yeah the demo blew me away. it proves why i'm sick of the gears series. the speed is Yeah man, i'm incredibly stoked after the demo.
  10. that is an awesome lineup, probably the best of any platforms as far as exclusives go. All of these games can be recreated in LBP2, sorry no. PS3#1
  11. Yeah, was contemplating selling my Wii and then I remembered Epic Yarn.
  12. I don't like the idea of getting rid of the mystery behind Samus. ;(
  13. Yeah, NMH2 didn't do as well as I thought it should and it's easily one of my favorite titles this year.
  14. You should at least check it out, maybe you'll enjoy the other aspects of the game enough to find some reward in it.
  15. It's honestly the best bang for your buck at this point and it'll easily hold you over for 2 weeks.
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