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Everything posted by soup

  1. The gameplay got stale really quick, nothing about the story kept me interested, the forced "interrogation" missions were cool at first but just like the gameplay became more of a chore than something worth doing. It got to the point where I was only capable of finishing it because it was so short.
  2. I got it for free and want money just for playing it.
  3. Wish I didn't wait so long to play PvZ the game's incredibly fun, but I haven't played anything Tower Defense related in years. Still working my way through Diablo 2 and Peace Walker though.
  4. I'm a little surprised you got such enjoyment out of Limbo TBH, it's not that the game is bad but even for a non-puzzle gamer like me the puzzles were really easy. Sure they were delivered in a unique way and I was a big fan of the lack of repetition but I mean there was only 1 that actually took me a while but even then it was simple.
  5. Picked up Plants Vs Zombies (finally) on Friday and finished Limbo on Saturday, back to playing Peace Walker and PvZ whenever I have some downtime. Also started another playthrough of Uncharted 2, game still looks incredible. It's a nice treat for the eyes after spending time with Starcraft, Peace Walker, and XBLA games.
  6. Most likely. I still have GW and everything but EoN installed. KvKs are BAWLIN'.
  7. Diablo 2 owns the hell out of MMOs. The only MMO I like is Guild Wars, but thats because the art style goes a long way. And it's F2P.
  8. I've been thinking about trying Deus Ex, but FUCK that. Diablo 2 is age proof.
  9. Finished Starcraft II, so I'll probably get back to Peace Walker now.
  10. Yeah, there's a big open circle platform if you move down so if you fight on the narrow path it's really your own fault but it's somewhat beneficial so you're not constantly battling 2 at once.
  11. I cant even put into words how hard angry I got, every fucking time I went in I'd get knocked off. EVERY FUCKING TIME, after a half hour it changes a man.
  12. I fucking hated that level. 2 man eaters on a tiny ass platform.
  13. They're new in the sense of how they're being used but these mechanics can be found within the first 6 chapters of AW.
  14. Have you played "The Signal" yet? It's a much better Chapter than 6 is but it doesn't take the game anywhere storywise. It makes sense that it wasn't included in the final game because it would have made the ending a lot more "Lolwut?"
  15. I'd so pick up Diablo 2 right now if SCII wasn't out, if I didn't have like 5 games to catch up on and if we weren't heading into Fall. And if Diablo 2 didn't cost $30. Lmao, I've purchased Diablo 2 enough times to warrant at least 1 act of piracy, so I did. Well that and the higher resolution mods would just get me kicked off of BNet so buying it would've been a waste.
  16. Playing SC2 has only been getting me more and more excited for Diablo 3, even now Diablo 2 still offers a great experience.
  17. I'll go Hermit when Diablo 3 drops, right now it's temporary.
  18. Starcraft 2 has pretty much consumed the little game time I have.
  19. The Signal was a much better Chapter than 6 but that's not saying a lot.
  20. It's a godly game. There's so many things that make it a much more better experience than MGS4 and a much more worth sequel to the Big Boss saga.
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