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Posts posted by soup

  1. Playing through Alan Wake again, I'm about 1/4 into Chapter 4. The game is still pretty damn good. I definitely think they either need to fix or ditch the poltergeist objects though, they are a chore to "fight". I honestly can't think of a way to improve them though. In a potential sequel, they should play more with the idea of safe zones. That sections were you are running from light source to light source instead of simply using them as checkpoints.

    Have you played "The Signal" yet? It's a much better Chapter than 6 is but it doesn't take the game anywhere storywise. It makes sense that it wasn't included in the final game because it would have made the ending a lot more "Lolwut?"
  2. Playing SC2 has only been getting me more and more excited for Diablo 3, even now Diablo 2 still offers a great experience. :happysad:

    I'd so pick up Diablo 2 right now if SCII wasn't out, if I didn't have like 5 games to catch up on and if we weren't heading into Fall. And if Diablo 2 didn't cost $30. :tard: Lmao, I've purchased Diablo 2 enough times to warrant at least 1 act of piracy, so I did. Well that and the higher resolution mods would just get me kicked off of BNet so buying it would've been a waste. :mono:
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