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Everything posted by soup

  1. Yeah, it really should've been on a console. It's a great game there are so many additions and changes are are so welcomed. Plus, Big Boss owns.
  2. Peace Walker is the game MGS4 should've been. Kojima
  3. which sequence will those be in? No idea, they have their own markers though.
  4. Do the Tombs, they're the only sidequests worth doing.
  5. The demo was neat stuff, going to hold off on purchasing it. Between P3P and Peace Walker I should have enough gaming bliss for a month or 2.
  6. Alright I'll give it a whirl and swallow my pride, my thick, warm, white pride.
  7. you're not big on puzzles, so you probably won't like it. did you try the demo? Didn't know there was a demo, the art style seems like a treat though.
  8. Wish it was cheaper, it's buying it has been on my mind.
  9. I'll give it another shot.:( It's honestly the worst part about the game so if you can manage to make it through that then you should enjoy the end.
  10. That ball part was fuckin terrible, lmao. But that's the only section they're in and then the game just about ends.
  11. That or Target. Why they have a deal? Nah, you have up to a week to return used games at full cost so you'd be able to score both of them and just keep the one you liked more.
  12. I also hated GTAIV if that helps persuade you any more.
  13. Can't get RDR on 360 only PS3. Well then that. ME2 is a good game and all that but the whole GOTG then is a joke, I had more fun with RDR.
  14. I have one of dem free extra AC2 maps if anyone wants it.
  15. http://www.overclock.net/pc-games/690645-metro-2033-dx9-vs-dx11-without.html It's a pretty good comparison thread.
  16. I've seen some DX11 vs DX9 comparisons and the performance hit doesn't seem worth it considering the hits are HUGE. In well lit areas it's terrifying how low it drops and this was DX10, lmao.
  17. Peace Walker is great, I mean there are aspects about the game that I both love and hate but it's just got this incredible feel to it even with the limitations of the PSPs controls. After shit like SCC and games like MGS4 it's just nice to finally sit down with a GOOD follow up to stealth/action GOTF MGS3: Subsistence.
  18. Ended up spending 50 bucks on the PW bundle and then I bought P3P for when I finish. All is well. Though I wish I got a Peace Walker case. ;(
  19. Been playing Peace Walker, shit's straight bawlin'. The first game in a few months that's held my attention.
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